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Taylor Swift albums and songs sales

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(@Miss Archer)
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Chinese sales should be counted 100%, just like the Russian and Indian ones. This is crazy.

Chinese music market is the most progressive in the world. Who is miss CSPC fooling with that?

republic has already confirmed Lover moved 3M WW units by the end of the first week, so the number is much bigger than 3.1M

Another example of why CSPC is not a reliable method or a valid receipt

Garage singer Guest
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But we are. Taylor has done it twice (soon 3 times), along with 6 other full-length studio albums. That's just a fact. I don't understand the reticence to admit it. Again, it's not like it's a common occurence, it's been done 8 times so far. China's market is basically just as big as South Korea's right now (it will surpass it shortly), who had a dozen albums break 1M copies in the last 2-3 years. This is perfectly normal, what "point" are we waiting to reach before we start taking China seriously?

(@Mister Silver)
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Hi, I love this but one question, I didn't understand at all the formula for china, just like nothing.

1989 = 1.5m = 570K
reputation = 1.54m = 616k
Lover = 974 k = 360k

how was that "transition" and why ? Why if it's 1.5m~975K album units, aren't they actual album units?

(@Chrysalynne Ling-Ling)
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Teardrops and Tim McGraw were both issued on 7" vinyl singles this year by her former label at 4,000 limited copies and both sold out on her online store.

(@Meat is Murder)
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With Shake It Off and Blank Space, Taylor Swift remains the only female artist to replace herself at #1 of the US Hot 100.

Didn't Rihanna do this with What's My Name? replacing Only Girl?

Viral on Spotify Guest
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MJD how do u see lover doing in the long run. Will she reached 10 million sales once again?

Its actually amazing to see how consistent she is. And its even amazing how people seldomly give her credits for that. Like we hear all the time how consistebt Madonna or Beyonce is. But rarely ever someone speaks about Taylors consistency, when to be honest she is a lot more consistent than those 2 ladies, at least judging by the first 13 years of all of these ladies career.

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Hi Samsas!

I see that as soon as the name of Taylor Swift returns, you are back with the same broken record! 😉

Manipulating data won't make your claims valid. Whatever is done you'll claim it "disadvantages" Taylor. We could retrieve data from 100 apps you would claim she is bigger in the 101th. It's insane how creative you are when it comes to cherry-pick numbers to make something look different from what it really is. It's easy and cheap to look at every different possible sources of data and point out again and again the most favorable one to claim it's the norm for Taylor. You speak about Me!, I remind how you said how much bigger it was than I Don't Care, pointing out a weekly sub-ranking from QQ, while completely avoiding the fact that the former has sold 26k while the latter did 1.1 million. But hey, let's only point out what's convenient, right?

As Al said, using the same formula for China than elsewhere would give purely absurd results, and you know it. You say that China has a lot of 'potential', again as Al said, to be a huge market and to be a market with a huge potential is not the same thing. It's quite insane to see you saying that the market from a few years ago is "irrelevant" when we talk 1989 numbers but instead your main point is that in the future China will be a big market. How little sense does that make?

Then, you say it is "odd" to have a China-specific formula. What would be odd is to NOT have it since it is a market 100% different from every other one. There is virtually no physical albums there. There is also no YouTube. Downloads are priced very differently, and streaming platforms are mass social media apps in first place. These facts entirely change the whole dynamic of the market, how you expect to count it as the others is beyond me. You say it's "subjective", can you explain me how the real market size of the country can be "subjective"? That Chinese market was worth the same as Norway recently and still only of the size of Australia a year ago is not subjective, it's a fact. It's also a fact that counting 9m EAS for a market of this size would be dumb. If these numbers where from some other female singer instead of Taylor, you would be the one mocking them and saying how ludicrous they were, how cheap that was, bla, bla.

In your standard cherry-picking you say that only 8 albums did over 1 million to point out how big Taylor is. Why don't you mention that out of the few legal downloads which came out this summer, Lover is only the 6th biggest one in terms of gross? Yes, 5 others did better in 3 months only. Do you think that R1SE album for example, sold for only 12 yuans, should count with full CSPC units? We would then conclude that this album, whic has 2.9 million pure downloads in China in one month, has way more pure sales and equivalent CSPC units than Lover globally, is that your point?

Also, why do you have 0 concern about India? If we follow your route, it's also a market with "huge potential", it's also a country of "over 1 billion people". Yet, if we apply what you suggest, there would be a near 10 to 1 ratio between both markets for similar successes, just because one uses extensively YouTube and the other one has its own apps? Our formula concludes on 3 to 1 ratio instead, which is consistent with their respective value.

I could go on and point a thousand examples of how much of a nonsense your China-related parade is. Don't waste your time cherry-picking again what interest you to insinuate wrong things for the 14135th time. Facts are there. We weight the market in line with its worth, it's as simple as that.

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Hi Nathan!

She was on 76 million before the update!

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Hi Miss Archer!

Surely you should read my comment to Samsas to avoid fooling yourself with the value of Chinese market. Surely too, you should point out where we have been counting "Russian and Indian" numbers in the millions as you claim. Lastly, each label can drop figures using the formula they want, how would that be a "valid receipt", when you don't even know the formula that has been used?

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Hi Mister Silver!

As explained when they were added to the formula, Chinese downloads are included using the Price in Yuan / 50 formula to put them on par with sales elsewhere. 1989 is sold for 19 yuans there, reputation and Lover both for 20 yuans.

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Hi Chrysalynne Ling-Ling!

They have been added under the old singles on Discogs so I completely overlooked them, thanks for pointing that out, this will be fixed!

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Hi Meat Is Murder!

Like A G6 returned to the top one week in-between the two Rihanna songs!

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Hi Michael!

10 million is a truly big number, but I wouldn't rule Lover out of the race just now. So far, it hasn't one truly big single, but I can see it having a Speak Now-like trajectory, amassing sizable numbers through the years with all its singles and deep cuts. I wouldn't also rule out reputation to be honest. There is still near 3 million missing, but the only is only 2 years old, it takes "only" 350k per year during 8 years to see it at 10 million after a decade.

Her consistency is definitely underrated. I actually looked that yesterday, and the 3 female artists who have more 10 million sellers are Madonna, Celine and Mariah, which is very telling. Also, they have respectively 9, 6 and 7, so Taylor is really close from joining them in this aspect. After a 30 years career like them, she may be topped at most by Madonna only!

Viral on Spotify Guest
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"After a 30 years career like them, she may be topped at most by Madonna only"

Do u mean she would top them by having more 10+ million albums or do u mean her topping Celine and Mariah total CSP? And I have like a gut feeling that she might top Rihanna in the long run eventhough it doesnt look that way for now. Seems like Rihanna is just too occupied with her new business ventures lately and Taylor is still super focus on her music carerr.

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Rihanna gonna hit 100 million with her nest album, bit im very happy that Lover is doing so well... 3 million EAS is less than a month is extraordinary

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