She has a very pretty tone and is able to emote very well. Vocal lessons would be great for her. But if she didn't took them in these 15 years she never will. She doesn't care, had her singing career served on a plate and got used to just show up in the studio and nothing more
Selena G. definitely is all media hype and attention but not much substance to back up her popularity. Even in her acting career, she only has like two good respectable projects. These music sales are really low for her stardom. It's more of her nice girl image and love life which good for her since she made $$ off of it.
Pretty privilege is a real thing and she is prime example of it along with JLO, Henry Daddy Cavill. But i think she has better future with streaming era in acting , with only murders being so successful and she produces dramas herself and pay millions to herself lol.
lmao so silly who cares if weird men is crazy about her.
selena just wanted one man anyway and she lost him (but not a bad thing )
the angelina story is bulshit her kids attended selena concert
why remove the orphan if most of it are solo and other duets, only two songs are features
these daily streams numbers are wrong. cuz currently awyr gets bigger daily streams than k&t, revival and wtsg get closer daily streams and rare almost double revival
Selena album overall eas can be underwhelming considering how massive A list star she is. But she is all rounder and made a fortune. And now is on way to be billionaire. Pretty privilege is real to go with smart brains.
You know If she was Lindsey Lohans age in 2003 at 17 she would’ve sold 3.87 million that’s the equivalent of 940 thousand in 2009 it’s almost as much as Hillary duff so she did better than anything and she sold 3.325 million with revival in 2009 if she were exactly the same If born in 1986 the soonest I could see her coming out in general would be then because of the tween stars being the oldest In the early 00s I couldn’t imagine Lindsey Lohan being born any earlier I’m just trying to point out she sold very well for todays standards