
Robbie Williams alb...
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Robbie Williams albums and songs sales

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Making some noise Guest
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I'm obviously talking about the Robbie Williams update

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They're busy with future plans, but updating Robbie Williams isn't one of them, presumably.

Making some noise Guest
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but I understand that there are some useless updates mainly the one done on Coldplay when the song "Higher Power" came out, the update was done only for the release of a song even before the release of their album "music of the spheres", so the update on Robbie Williams seems very useful to me because his new 25th anniversary album "XXV" is out and he has broken a new record by overtaking Elvis Presley for number one albums in the UK

Global sensation Guest
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Yes, but you have to be objective about it. Coldplay shift way more than Williams, his 25th anniversary album is not really that big a deal, in the grand scheme of things and the amount of UK #1 albums he has, has no bearing on his sales.

Making some noise Guest
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I don't want to insist but from what I know the weekly number ones are for the highest number of sales in that week, even I once thought that the number ones didn't affect the sales but then I realized that it is true, and btw XXV has arrived number one in several countries including New Zealand, Australia, UK, Netherlands, Ireland etc... so sorry but I don't agree with you, maybe I misunderstood but explain yourself better, thanks

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Yes, he has the most UK #1 albums by a soloist, overtaking Elvis but the achievement in itself, does not equate anything to his sales.

I know you don't agree with me, that's because of your bias and lack of objectivity when it comes to Robbie Williams. Take XXV, yes #1 in a few countries, but obviously front loaded, as it fell like a rock pretty much everywhere in it's 2nd week, spending as little as seven weeks on the UK album chart and even less in other countries.

On top of all that, it didn't actually reach #1 in either Australia or New Zealand. As far as I can see it reached #2 in Australia, spending only 4 weeks on chart and in New Zealand, it spent 1 week at #40!.

I've lost count of the amount of people who come on here, like yourself and proceed to tell us why their favourite artist needs to be/should be/has to be updated. You have to look at this objectively, not as a fan of Robbie, because it's impairing your judgment on this. Too many of the reasons people give, just overstate and amplify the success of their favourite, while attaching more importance and significance to their achievements, than are really merited.

Making some noise Guest
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so are you saying i'm hyping robbie williams? it makes me strange to hear it from a publisher who has done the work on Robbie Williams with his own hands and does not understand that Robbie Williams has been in business for about 32 years and has been in business for 25 years and in this period it is normal that a singer who has come out of all this time can't do more than this, a material he has published "which by the way I wouldn't call it an album but a collection of re-recorded and orchestrated songs" precisely in a period where he rightly gives space to the music of younger songwriters and not for albums with the orchestra or in the bethooven version, your opinion makes me understand that you are probably one of the "many" Americans who don't know how to evaluate in the most correct way possible a singer who hasn't done much in his own country, and I see that even today RW is very underrated by many people despite the fact that time has passed and we all have an idea of ​​who Robbie Williams is

Signing a deal Guest
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He doesn't shift that much sales anymore. Even if updated he probably would add like 2-3-4 million at most. Somebody like Coldplay if updated might increase like 20 million. Common sense would say, Coldplay should be prioritize. Nothing against Robbie. Selling 70 million plus album is already impressive. But let the team update those with bigger sales and has more impact on all time best selling rankings. Also, bare in mind charmasters is not a hundred million dollar company. They don't have hundreds of workers to run the website and update all the time. We should be realistic with that.

Global sensation Guest
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I was born in Edinburgh, live in London and have witnessed his whole career from Do What You Like until now.

Look, no one is disparaging his achievements but updates are based on how much additional streams and sales an artist has added since their last update. Now looking at this objectively, do you think he deserves an update ahead of say Elton, The Beatles, AC/DC etc who have all added more to their totals since their last updates, which all predate Robbies.

Making some noise Guest
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I said they only did the update on Coldplay because a single came out which was "Higher Power" and shortly after the album "music of the spheres" came out, so I said that in my opinion they just made a useless update for one song and not waiting for the album to come out and now they're just with that update, honestly 20 million sales after Higher Power seems a bit difficult, and then I wanted to say that I'm in favor of a new Coldplay update and I never said don't, I also tell you that you are contradicting yourself because you said that the ones that fit in the all time charts should be updated, so you mean that the likes of George Michael, Prince should no longer be updated , Robbie Williams, Brian Adams, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber etc...

Making some noise Guest
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I wanted to say that in your opinion George Michael, Prince, Robbie Williams, Bryan Adams, Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber etc... I wrote wrong in the previous message

Making some noise Guest
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Hello! Are you talking about streams in general? the most important streams are those of Spotify and RW has added many more since the last update: 2019... Angels - 190.000.000 streams, Feel - 135.000.000 streams, Rock Dj - 86.000.000 streams, She's the One - 65.000 .000 streams, Let me entertain you - 58.000.000 streams, Somethin Stupid - 43.000.000 streams, Candy - 54.000.000 streams, Love My Life - 45.000.000 streams, etc... ora: Angels - 395.000.000 streams , Feel - 280.000.000 streams, Rock Dj - 200.000.000 streams, She's the One - 135.000.000 streams, Candy - 140.000.000 streams, let me entertain you 130.000.000 streams, Somethin Stupid - 105.000.000 streams, Love My Life - 71,000,000 streams the addition of streams is very high, we are not talking about 20 or 30 million additional streams for each song, but at least 100 million up to double since the last update, and then I wanted to ask if the last release the Christmas Present has reached 1 million sales, I think I have read that it has reached about 850,000 or 900,000 total sales, look forward to more updates! thank you!

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Yes, his streams have risen since his last update but they are now and have been for some time, updated regularly. So while the figures are static in the streaming part of this analysis, they are not in the CSPC part, where they form part of the constantly updated totals of his albums.

Having said that, I still feel he is not one of the more deserving acts for an update, based on his relatively small increase, compared to other acts due an update.

Making some noise Guest
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on some artists like him who still haven't been updated due to little sales addition, couldn't you do a global heat map on Robbie Williams U2 and Coldplay? I think they are the most deserving artists for such a job, let me know as soon as possible if it's possible, thanks!

Making some noise Guest
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hello, robbie williams total album sales in latin america is 3.040.000 sales, besides the important latin markets that would be brazil, mexico and argentina missing another 620.000 sales in the other south american countries, what are these countries? and how many sales did it generate for each South American nation?

Got his first mic Guest
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In your opinion Robbie Williams can be considered the most successful pop artist of the last 25 years?

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Viral on Spotify Guest
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Britney Spears? Adele? Taylor Swift? Rihanna? Eminem? Drake? Beyonce? Justin Bieber?

Got his first mic Guest
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I was talking about pop artists, Eminem and Drake are rap artists

Got his first mic Guest
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now I realize more and more how underrated an artist like RW can be just because he didn't make it big in America, even music experts underestimate him 🤦🏼‍♂️

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As it's all popular music, I don't think that really matters. Besides, there are another 6 examples and I could add Lady Gaga as well, so let's just not overrate Robbie Williams, although he was absolutely massive in Europe in 1998-2004.

Hyped artist
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Robbie does pop rock, Eminem and Drake do pop rap.

And he's not even in the top 20 most successful pop acts of the last 25 years btw 😆

Making some noise Guest
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His music is not appealing to American ears that is why he never made it big in America. There are plenty of British artists that have made it big in America. So it really isn't an excuse. Plus his global sales aren't even that big if you minus his home country sales which is the UK compared to many other A-league artists from that era. He can't compete with the likes of Britney Spears, Backstreet Boys, Eminem, etc. All of which have a much bigger global sales share than him accross all formats. He wasn't even that big in Japan, Asia, Canada & Latin America. He is huge in Europe, but it definitely helps the fact that he is European.

Garage singer
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Eminem is but drake is rnb

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Hi Jordan!

Not overrating Robbie and underrating him are two different things 😉

No matter how you look at it, you won't be able to claim that Robbie is the biggest pop artist of the last 25 years. Even if you adopt a restrictive definition of pop, even if you exclude female singers and groups, even if you exclude North American artists... Ed Sheeran ends up all discussions already.

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