
Rihanna albums and ...
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Rihanna albums and songs sales

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Garage singer
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That's very useful to know. Thank you! Even then, who'd have thought someone like Rihanna would be pacing for the top seller of the century?

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Then let me say that no, you don't understand what the article is saying.

Taylor is 300k ahead, which is 0.3%, according to our estimates and according to our formula. If, for example, we decide to use YouTube views on par with audio streams (something Taylor's fans have been strongly supporting on social media in answer to our articles), then Taylor would be on 115.8 million, while Rihanna would rocket to 121.4 million.

It also only takes a larger share of streams for Rihanna on Apple Music compared to Spotify to move her ahead. That's why a difference of 300k can not confirm Taylor is the biggest seller of the two, thus, it is a virtue tie.

By the way, can't we stop the childish comments glorifying one and criticizing the other? Come on, they both sold over 100 million! They are both super successful, no need to come with dumb stuff saying this one can't sell outside the US or this one can't sell without features, it's just utterly absurd at the end of the day.

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I sadly doubt they can mate. We've been on music forums for 15+ years and it's quite clearly endemic, amongst fans of solo female artists. They truly are the bane of every music sales site.

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Maybe work on your reading comprehension.

Making some noise Guest
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Glad that GGGB is 20 million now. It deserves the league album title. Its also very impressive how that album has been growing at close to 2 million since its last update. Seems like its growth is far from over

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Wouldn’t the increase in the weighting of Chinese streams counteract the increase in YouTube though?

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Considering you think Celine Dion is more popular with the LGBTQ community than Madonna and Mariah Carey, I don't think you know much about female artists at ALL.

Fans should stay in their lane before they jump on others.

Making some noise Guest
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Asia is the future of the music industry. China is already the 7th biggest music market. The streaming is rapidly increasing in countries like Phillipines, Vietnam, Indonesia...some artists teams have been intelligent enough to realize it. You can see how huge are streaming numbers on Spotify of BTS or Taylor, thanks to Asian population. On the other hand, uk and other European markets are slowly falling in.

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What!? That's a completely fabricated statement, I have no idea who is the more popular amongst the LGBTQ community and have never claimed to. You need to stop lying and just making things up.

Also, my point above is not even about female artists, it's about the FANS of female artists and their propensity to ruin every music sales site, with their female v female battles. The desperate need to downplay and devalue an artist that is not their favourite, while overstating and overvaluing the artist, that is, is pathetic, annoying and completely unnecessary.

It is also fans of female acts, that tend to level ludicrously stupid jibes at the site, often stating we have issues with their favourite, as we don't update them often enough, we are biased against them, our conclusions are anti certain female acts, we are sexist, in favour of males etc etc etc.

Lastly, I am not a fan of a particular female artist, jumping on fans of another female artist, I am a fan of music sales, jumping on the fans of female acts on the whole, because they continually pollute every site that deals with music sales, with their idiotic battles and stupid comments and reasoning.

ps, as a caveat, I fully appreciate, it is not all fans of female artists, that act like this.

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Its also remarkable how people cant get enough with arguing which artists are bigger than the other. Kinda funny to be exact. Lol. 🙂

(@Elías Fernando Lascano)
Got his first mic Guest
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Why do you weigh album sales with streaming to create top songs? I think it would be more correct to consider digital and physical sales.

Got his first mic Guest
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Neither Rihanna or Taylor are relevant in South America, compared to their peers.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Are Rihanna and drakes automatic updates in the works too?

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Yay automatic updates for Rihanna
This is amazing

Got his first mic Guest
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What is Rihanna's 83rd song?

Signing a deal Guest
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You guys need to go back to school and understand estimation

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Can we block this person?

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Japan is literally the 2nd biggest music market alone. Korea is at 7th

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Congo rihanna for 4th 10 million seller. Althought it will take years, anti will become one too.
She still get streamed 9 or 10 million times a day. Since releasing nothing in 5 years. She gonna destroy charts, when she decides to release.
Clearly digital era gen trinity is rihanna ,taylor , adele. Not just because they have best sales but also how they have transitioned to streaming era. Streaming era girls lack this level of consistency and stardom.

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I know she is business women know but i think she can get best selling album of year in streaming era. She has great catalog streams. She owns her masters too . She has ears for hits. She can smash streaming era records for female album

Viral on Spotify Guest
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i agree that if she releases in the next year or two, but i don’t see her knew music coming soon, especially with a new child, and it’s a case of how much longer will the audience wait

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Yes true but her biggest plus point is her celebrity, which keeps her name in news. And known to new gen as a huge celebrity. Unlike other female artists who went on big hiatuses and lost popularity. But i guess she is at point she doesn't need it. Like if she has to sell her stock in fenty she will get 1.5 billion usd cash and i guess she gets 8 figure yearly salary anyways. Why to bother with new music and touring lol.

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Hi all!

Just like for Drake and Justin Bieber, Rihanna's article has been adjusted to reflect the new formula, while sticking to the same numbers retrieved back that, so that we avoid inflation inside the all-time ranking. She still tops 100m with the feats downgraded!

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she's shown at 99m in the Top Artists page

Viral on Spotify Guest
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She is not on a tie with Taylor Swift as the most successful female to debut this century anymore.

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