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Metallica albums and songs sales

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Global sensation Guest
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It would be impossible to state with any certainty because not every country or every live show or tour has been recorded. Also, a tour from 1994 could have sold way more tickets than a tour from 2012, but due to inflation and the astronomical rise in ticket prices over the years, you can't really compare. Even adjusting for inflation doesn't give you an adequate like for like in my opinion. It's also clear that some artists are just horrible money grabbing bastards, charging fans exorbitant ticket prices, for instance Barbara Streisand has sold 1.3m tickets and made $364m, whereas Garth Brooks has sold 11.2m tickets and made $319m

Here is a recent Pollstar list of the Top Touring Artists of the Pollstar Era, which has Bon Jovi shifting less tickets but having higher revenue.

Signing a deal Guest
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Hi Martin, when will be updated and fixed Metallica streams? If I remember correctly, they should be around 13,600,000 streams.

Making some noise Guest
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I think the word greedy or money grabbing has been blown out of proportion. It depends on who your fanbase are. If your fanbase are largely older people from upper class society like Barbra she can charged ridiculous ticket prices because they can afford to pay it. Somebody like Garth Brooks have fanbase largely from the countryside who mostly does blue collar jobs for a living and they don't have the same income bracket as Barbra's fans do. If Garth starts to charge the same prices as Barbra, it is almost a guarantee his ticket wouldn't have come near to selling out his tickets. He could make more "gross" money by selling tickets at a much lower price compared to selling tickets at a much higher price but ends up nobody is going to buy it. They all caters to their own respective fanbase with their buying power. No need to label one artist greedy over the other.

Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
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What a horrible mindset and answer. You're basically justifying and defending her being a money grabber.
Her ticket gross to tickets sold ratio, is way, way higher than other artists and she's a multi millionaire. There is simply no need to charge those prices, other than wanting to make as much money as possible from your fan base.
I can fully understand and justify an artist trying to make as much money as possible, from a recording contract, from a film contract or from a publishing contract. After all, the companies offering these contracts are all trying to make money from the artist but trying to make as much money as possible from your fans and certainly as much as Streisand is, I think is disgusting.Saying that, I think the prices charged in general, for concerts, are disgusting.

Signing a deal Guest
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There is nothing wrong with wanting to make more money. If people are willing to pay xxx amount to see you singing. Why should you bother? I bet 99% of all singers would do the same thing if they have rich fanbase like Barbra. Plus according to your mindset, The Eagles are far more disgusting money grabber than the Backstreet Boys with ticket prices almost twice as high. The Rolling Stones is so disgustingly greedy that they charged far higher ticket prices than Kenny Rogers or Phish. Is it fair to say that? Every single person on that lists you mentioned are multi millionaires, some are even billionaires. They don't need more money from touring anyway. If they want to follow your concept of giving back to the fans. Why even charged anything. Provide free concerts right? We are all greedy and if we can make more money we would love to. Stop lying and trying to fool yourself otherwise.

Signing a deal Guest
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I also would suggest you to calm down and no need to overreact over some silly issue like this. Have some manners.

Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
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If anyone here is overreacting, it's you. Leaping to the defence of BS, to justify her astronomically high ticket of hers by any chance.

Look, I've already said I find ticket prices in general disgusting, I think many artists fleece fans, but her ratio clearly makes her one of the very worst.

To be honest, all you seem to do is moan about what I have to say and as Ive said before, you seem to have a chip on shoulder about me. I'd say it's you that needs to calm down and stop getting wound up and feeling a desperate need to comment on what I say. Maybe practice what you are always boringly preaching.

Signing a deal Guest
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Just watch your language. You are the one using words like horrible, disgusting, whatever. You are the one going for personal attacks when this is nothing personal, especially with the language you are using. I never said anything demeaning about you. My point still stands relevant. If singers are going to show appreciations to fans, why bother even charging 1 dollar for their shows. Provide free concerts. There are plenty of times where several singers were charging high ticket prices but because of that, people don't buy their tickets and they end up having to reduce the price. It just proves my point that if their fanbase has a big enough buying power, they will go for higher ticket prices. They all have their own analyst to determine ticket prices and so on. At the end of the day it is a simple demand & supply issue/

I also checked the recent ticket prices of Rolling Stones. Turns out Rolling Stones in 2023 are charging higher ticket prices than her. Streisand performed only 1 concert from 1966 to 1994. The majority of her concerts are in the 00s where ticket prices are already way too expensive. So if you look at somebody from the 60s who are still performing and who regularly tours since the 60s. You would see their average ticket prices is not that high, because the majority of their ticket sales comes before the 2000s where ticket prices were low. Streisand sold 90% of her tickets post the year 2000. So go figure.

Lastly if people want to pay sky high ticket price and they don't care. Why would someone like you, who is a non fan & who wouldn't pay 1 dollar to watch Streisand sing care so much about her ticket price? Different products, different brands have different price tag. BMW sells very expensive cars & their customers are willing to pay a much more expensive car compared to paying for other cars that cost them less. I am sure it gives them great satisfaction to own 1. Same goes to Streisand. Streisand tickets are ridiculously high compared to Garth but I am sure their fans are not complaining and would love to pay the same amount of money again.

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You do make me laugh! Let’s just forget all the previous examples of you replying to comments of mine, telling me what my problem is, suggesting what I have problems with, suggesting I’m this, that and the next thing, telling me how I should be, how I shouldn’t be etc etc etc and you’ve the cheek to say I’m personally attacking you. lol

My problem with your mindset is, you try to justify her prices, defend her prices, excuses her prices, make them appear not so bad. Not one part of you seems to think, “he’s got a point, she does take the piss a bit, with her ticket prices”. Also, you seem to think I’m just having a go at Streisand, I’m not, she was just the most stand out example, of someone charging ridiculously high ticket prices. I paid around £50 to see The Rolling Stones way back in March 1995, which was by far the most I’d had to pay for any kind of gig until that point. So believe me, I know fine well they are also money grabbers, as are many other acts.

Personally, I think most concert prices are disgusting these days and have been for some time. Back in the late 80s and early 90s, I could see a show or 2 most weeks and did. One week in 92, on separate nights, I saw The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ozzy Osbourne and Tom Petty for a total of £36. Live music was far more financially accessible back then and that was great thing. In my opinion charging these exorbitant prices just makes these kind of shows out of reach for a lot of fans and I don’t think that’s a good thing. 

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 48

You don't have to say I have a horrible mindset simply because I don't support your views. That is rude whether you want to admit it or not.

I am not saying u are having a go at Streisand, I am saying your mindset doesn't make sense. It is all a supply and demand issue. It depends on who your customer are. Singers are business people at the end of the day. They have their own target markets. Just like BMW customers are rich people so does Streisand & Rolling Stones customers. When you have rich customer base, you sell your products at a much higher price. What is the big deal? I don't get it. If you don't like it, then don't buy it. No need to rant here and say people are disgusting. I love Barbra as a singer. But am I going to pay $500 to see her perform for 2 hours? Never in the world. Am I going to be such a big baby and calling her disgusting for charging such high ticket prices? Nope. As far as I am concerned she is a businesswoman who makes great business decision. Nobody forced you to buy anybody's ticket Martin. You don't like the price, don't buy it. It is a simple consumer decision to make.

Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
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Well obviously we disagree, I think she's a money grabbing bitch, who excludes fans because they are not rich enough. I don't see that as something to laud or champion, you obviously do.

Signing a deal Guest
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I viewed her as a business woman and as a smart business woman she's making smart business decision. Why would any business person wants to make business decision that doesn't give them maximum profits? If there is any business who runs like that, doesn't seems like that business is going to last long. Is it money grabbing, maybe but we all would have done the same thing and I think its foolish if you would said other wise. Who would want to make $1,000 of profit when it is abundantly clear that you can make $5,000 dollar. You would be a hypocrite if you say you would take 1k over 5k simply because you are not a money grabber. Stop fooling yourself. Plus nobody is forced to buy her tickets, she's not forcing you to buy her ticket. So why are you out of all people are being such a big about baby it?

PS : It has become abundantly clear to me that you always have to have the last word. So I am going to give you the satisfaction of having the last word and just ignore your comment.

Global sensation Guest
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Greedy capitalists, fleecing the proletariat. Yes, let's all champion and celebrate them. Three cheers for business woman Barbara.

Hyped artist
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Jazz absolutely needs a Gordon Gekko avatar.

Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
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Yeah, he's already bought into the mantra.

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
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Hypocrotes handouts flees.

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 48

MJD take note. Martin is turning this website political and he is starting to use deregotary words. I am never going to this website again. You better choose your admin properly or else you are going to lose many more customers.

Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 622

Political!? lol. I think you're confusing people's ethics, with their politics.

Hyped artist
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 312

Did you mean "hypocrites handouts fleas?" I'm not even sure what that means, is it something to do with poor people being leeches and parasites like some conservatives think? In that case you're the one getting political and derogatory...

Signing a deal Guest
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 67

Sorry, that’s enough Jazz, your now getting on everybody’s nerves. Martin in my experience is a Fantastic member/ author of the Chartmasters team and so much more knowledgeable than most of us on here. Just because you don’t like his view on something doesn’t give you the right to slag him off. The fact you have threatened to leave this site is all the better for the rest of us. Chartmasters is a brilliant most accurate chart/ record sales site out there and we don’t need idiots like you on here.
Rant over.

Signing a deal Guest
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 69

I can't find Metallica single tours on par with Bon Jovi, from Lost Highway to Have a nice day to The Circle, Because we can > World Magnetic tour, etc.

Viral on Spotify
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Posts: 125

With the RTL album, the numbers jump up and down for you. Daily Increase LD 136,600.

Garage singer
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Last year, the group pressed more than 902,500 pieces of vinyl for more than 620,000 packages

Signing a deal Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 79

Hi Martin
I noticed that there is a discrepancy between physical singles and digital singles in their page and those in the CSPC article, I think there are some errors to correct, there are different numbers.
I await your reply dear Martin.

Garage singer
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Top 50 YTD US Vinyl Metallica has 2 albums.

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