Iron maiden have way more integrity so who cares and Metallica wouldn't b around without maiden
Metallica in the 80s were linked to the sound of bands like Black Sabbath, Diamon Head or Motorhead, Iron Maiden does not enter anything
Hi Jsak!
Iron Maiden did extremelly well in many countries, and I wouldn't rule out the possibility that they outsold Metallica in one market or another, but the general trend is that Metallica are bigger still in the large majority of the world. Obviously the gap is in many countries nowhere near as big than in the US!
Surely in Great Britain the Iron Maiden have greater global sales.
The basic argument, however, is that without the black album Iron Maiden would continue to be more popular outside of North America because thanks to the homonymous album the catalog sales of the four previous records also increased a lot.
Metallica is household name America's biggest band ever. In Europe Their tshirts sold at fashion stores
They will outsell one hit wonder Eagles soon
Americas biggest products
1- Coca-Cola
3- Nike
Americas biggest international music stars
1- Michael Jackson
2- Madonna
3- Metallica
Americas biggest international music stars
1- The Beatles
2- Elvis Presley
3- Led Zeppelin
Led Zep not as popular around the rest of the world though, which is bigger than America.
I have considered the artists that in America have depopulated the most and are known enough also in the rest of the world, not the most famous American artists.
What you say is correct, in fact Metallica in the rest of the world are less popular than Led Zeppelin 😉
Hi Jsak!
Led Zeppelin would be contenders for this list based on global popularity, except that they are from London 😉
In fact in the comment I have specified that I have considered the artists that have mostly depopulated in America, not those of American nationality, also because otherwise I don't think that Mariah Carey or Bruce Springsteen are less popular than the Metallica
"The true-false double album Load and Reload weren’t as successful, nor commercially neither critically, but still combine for over 20 million pure album sales."
I would say commercially enough, as far as criticism is concerned, better in America than in Europe
Is Garage Inc best selling cover album of all time?
Is Live Shit best selling box set of all time?
How many albums sold Metallica in Turkey?
They are the only artist played 5 stadium concerts here. Madonna and Bon Jovi played twice
No, there are many box sets that have outsold Live Shit. Off the top of my head Springsteens "Live 1975-1985", a 5LP/3CD box set, RIAA certified 13 times Platinum way back in 1999 for 4.33m shipments, has sold more copies in the US than Live Shit has worldwide. As has Led Zeppelins 6LP/4CD "Boxed Set", which was RIAA certified Diamond in 2001 for 2.5m shipments.
Additionally, Garage Inc is also not the best selling covers album of all time either. I don't know if Celine Dions "These Times Are Special", which features cover versions of Christmas songs, is the best selling covers album of all time but it's 12m sales easily beats Garage Incs total.
YouTube's Most-Viewed Artists Globally last 12 months
Metallica 1.5 billion
Beatles 718 million
Elivs Presley 607 million
Led Zeppelin 483 million
Mariah and Bruce washed up artists who can't make platinum albums anymore
Metallica Black Album spents 534 weeks at Billboard Top 200
No Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Elvis album can beat that record
It sold more than Michael Jackson's Thriller in 2019
Metallica's WorldWired tour break attandance records right now.
Since 1981 Metallica played over 3000 concerts visited over 60 countries
Played over 35 million people live
Which band has more fans globaly? Result is very clear
Facebook followers:
Metallica 36 million
Led Zeppelin 13 million
Led Zeppelin don't have bigger song than Nothing Else Matters and Unforgiven
Youtube views:
Nothing Else Matters: 606 million
Unforgiven 265 million
Stairway To Heaven :142 million
Enter Sandman, For Whom The Bell Tolls, Master of Puppets, Seek and Destroy played at NFL Football games shows their popularity in US
Annual Wikipedia page views:
Metallica: 6,464,590
Led Zeppelin. 5,353,031 Self-Destruct is at the top of the charts in 57 countries. They knocked out Bruno Mars at Billboard charts. This shows Metallica's global domination
You’re leaving out quite a few names. Queen is at 3.2B and MJ is at 2.06B. They are the most popular legacy acts on YouTube. Current artists like Ed Sheeran and Bruno Mars are at 5.41Band 1.9B, respectively. Literally more than everyone you named.
Erdos, all this Metallica stuff your ranting about doesn't really matter ( excuse the pun😃) The Fact is there 18 th in the top 100 or so way behind the likes of The Beatles, Queen and Pink Floyd.
No contest.