No disrespect at all towards Nicki, but since when top female rapper is a real thing? What's next, top female metal singer? Limiting charts by genre or gender is already a messy way to inflate ranking of many artists, let alone merging two criterias that close to zero popular artist met.
Also, no doubt Missy highly disagrees with your claim stating that Nicki has a longevity no other female rapper ever had.
Hi djdj!
David Kronmeyer posted old Warner and EMI reports, they can be retrieved with Wayback machine IIRC although I don't have the URL saved on the computer I'm using right now. I have all IFPI top 50 lists saved from 2001 to date. About market sizes, the closest you can get is Zobbel lists for 1994, 1995, 1997, and 1998.
The last section seems to not be updated. Poker Face and Bad Romance EAS totals are their old figures, unsure if the 80.05M total singles for TF(M) era is also old?
Hi Ryan!
Thanks for pointing that out, it's now fixed 🙂 the 80.05m total is the good one!
Hi Gustavo!
Sure but once again the query may be more specific. I can provide explanations / data behind every number, but explaining all numbers at once of a CSPC would take dozens of hours!
No worries. So with 80.05M singles + 19.89M albums is The Fame era the first to sell 100M pure record sales? Not sure if Thriller managed to get 33M single sales to bolster its total over that?
Hi Ryan!
Thriller singles did sell over 33m as physicals stand on 17m and downloads on 27m, there is also over 2m sales for the making of Thrillre video!
therefore: you are pressed that she turned things around.. Gaga contributed a LOT and did more songs than Whitney in the Body Guard but BG is generally accepted as Whitney's peak album and all.
Ok but one question... When IFPI provides us the year-end chart, do yall verify if it matches with your numbers?
Not sure if most stans know this but the majority of people here in the world are actually not stans, and I also don't think any reasonable person would make numbers more inaccurate because of something as irrelevant as music preference.
I don't think you can say that an album that sold more than 4 million units 'bombed so much', especially when you have other articles in here where you praise some artists for selling only 3M with their records. You can say that it's not a success when you compare it with her two previous albums, but it's not a flop.
Considering her name at that point and considering shes been in the industry less than 5 years by then. It is a bomb. Im pretty sure her labels were putting in big money for the album promotions but turns out its not really giving the return they needed. Its not like she is in the league of Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus where labels probably wouldnt waste too much money on them bcoz they know its not going to produce a 10 million album sales. She was much bigger just a couple of years ago. MJD also have said that Taylor Swift Reputation was a bomb, despite it selling much more copies than Lady Gaga.
So the CSPC results from points she received from computation From the cherry tree EP to the 2010 remix EP count towards TF+TFM
Shane greatest hits albums aren’t big anymore . One would add extra CSPC to TF+TFM era
Hello MJD
Acording to IFPI Year end Chart
2009 #5 The Fame 4m
2009 #15 The Fame Monster 3m
2010 #2 The Fame Monster 4.8m
2010 #25 The Fame
2011 #48 The Fame Monster
Could You Figure Out How many Copies For Original The Fame were sold?
And How many Copies For The Fame Monster were sold ?
You can only give us approximate sales range.
Hello MJD
Acording to IFPI Year end Chart
2009 #5 The Fame 4m
2009 #15 The Fame Monster 3m
2010 #2 The Fame Monster 4.8m
2010 #25 The Fame
2011 #48 The Fame Monster
Would You Please Figure Out How many Copies Of the Original The Fame were sold?
And How many Copies Of The Fame Monster were sold ?
You can only tell me approximate sales range.
2009 #15 The Fame Monster 3m ,2010 #2 The Fame Monster 4.8m 。
The Fame Monster Already Sold Over 7.8m Copies in two years.
The Fame Monster is the Double Discs version and Ep
I Want to Figure Out the sales for original version of the Fame (16 Tracks)
But probably after half a year after Chromatica. I suppose ASIB would be about 9m at that time.
HI ChartMasters team! Can you let me know Gaga's biggest hits in South Korea? Also, if a song was released before the existence of Gaon's data (pre-2010) how we can know the quatity sold there? Thanks in advance, I hope you respond me because I really want to know!
Hi emi!
Back then Poker Face sold more downloads, although Telephone was close behind and remains more popular to this day. Shallow and I'll Never Love Again have been super big there too, these are her top songs in the country.
Actually, while the first 'known' list from Gaon is their 2010 rankings, this one includes the position jumps/drops from the previous year. From that, we know that Telephone was the 49th top seller of 2009, Poker Face 11th, Bad Romance 43rd. It's not possible to get the rankings of the remaining songs since they weren't top 100 in 2010, but we can look at their rankings in early 2010 weekly/monthly lists to come close. These are the assumptions that have been made for Gaga pre-2010 sales in SK:
Alejandro 50 000
Bad Romance 325 000
Bad Romance (remix) 50 000
Christmas Tree 15 000
Dance In The Dark 40 000
Just Dance 500 000
Paparazzi 60 000
Poker Face 725 000
Poker Face (LLG vs GLG) 20 000
Telephone 300 000
Telephone (Alphabeat) 25 000