Wow! Great job by MJD and impressive popularity by MJ!
Thanks for this great research.
Yes. I thought the same. Luis Miguel sold more than 1 million with that album in Argentina alone.
I thought the same but then again Billie Jean is the song that made MJ a superstar. The video integrated MTV, Motown 25, the moonwalk, etc
The DVD History on film II sold more than 130k here in Brazil (see the codes in UK mix), and you listed it, with only 200k sold worldwide. It's a typo?!
Hi Marcus!
Good spot - figures of Ghosts (200k) and HIStory on Film: Volume II (1650k) were reversed. As Ghosts go to Orphan while HIStory to the biggest albums, this changes the totals of all 79-95 studio albums! Obviously as this is only a translation the overall total of Michael stays the same.
You are both correct! I changed the spelling to best selling english-speaking album for Latin America countries due to the local superstars!
That's correct. Thriller has the biggest video, but Billie Jean is the biggest song. It was the trigger that made everything happen.
OMG, MJ sales is so gigantic 😮
While Madonna is undoubtedly the biggest female solo artist of all time, we are still confused who the biggest MALE solo artist of all time. Most people (including Guinness World Record) seem to believe that Elvis is the one, though.
So now, we need to know the CSPC breakdown of Elvis 😀
Hi Mjd! What's your personal estimation about Thriller sales in Turkey? 500k or more?
It seems obvious that Thriller will never be over taken, either in terms of raw sales or CSPC sales, given the current dynamics of the industry. Even if record sales were still like they were in the 90's, it doesn't seem possible that one album or one entertainer could generate this many sales in this many different markets. I think that leaves MJ firmly entrenched as the King of Pop forever.
That leaves the question, was it the entertainer, Micheal Jackson or the Album, Thriller that put him here? Clearly one plays into the other, but there just seems to be something magical about Thriller, the top 4 songs on it, the way it was promoted, the music videos, Motown 25, and the mystery of MJ during that period that elevated him from a great entertainer to the status of icon. On the other hand, nobody but Micheal Jackson could have made this album. I guess it's a mobius strip. You can't have one without the other.
So how many digital singles did he sell? I wonder if we include digital, did he outsell Elvis.?.?
I'd like to see the very best sellers, so would rather see Queen than Barbara, along with Elvis & Elton.
Still waiting for Ariana Grande <3
Congratulations for your amazing work!
Paul McCartney is the king of what? Certainly not pop. And he's never been considered the king of anything. The only thing he's ever been called, and correct me if I'm wrong, is the most successful composer by The Guinness Book of World Records. However, I'm not surprised seeing someone trying to strip MJ of a title he earned.
Elvis Maybe, but Elton and Queen never the best seller or biggest(male solo&Band, but Barbra is probably the biggest female of all time
Relax, there's no need for all the hostility. If you're such a Beatles fan boy, why aren't you on their page? Hellno was making a very great point, but let's talk about the facts. MJ was still in his peak, and had those allegations not happened, he would've done better. Fact. There's no secret that desperate people was so mad at his success, because he was a black artist doing what was only known for white artists to do, that they wanted to tear him down. Fact. MJ's numbers are incredible, even if you don't want to admit to it, for someone whose solo discography is small compared to his peers and predecessors. Fact. Shall I go on? But I'm confused at what's upsetting you more: the fact that MJ did fewer releases than The Beatles and still pulled in the numbers that he did? Or the fact that had certain things not occurred he would've probably been much closer to them?
Yes Queen and Elton are. IMO Queen, Elvis & Elton are the last three artists that will be in the Top 10, Barbara won't be, she won't come near to Madonna or Celine and probably wont top Mariah either, so there is no way she is either the best selling female or in the Top 10 best selling artists ever.