No, it's bollocks.
It's not everyone's reviews, it's a certain subset of societys reviews. Do you really think hip hop magazines, bang on about or even give a fuck about, the merits or validity of Blonde On Blonde or Pet Sounds.
On top of that, the majority of the world couldn't give a toss what critics say, let alone use them as a barometer of what music they enjoy or want to buy.
I don't know what you deem as creative but for me, Thriller is on many levels. It's not only the most popular album of all time and by some considerable margin, it is quite easily one of the most influential of all time, as well. That's some impressive powers of creation, in my eyes, to come up with an album that has managed, what Thriller has.
True but if it sells like half a million a year (or more?), surely it will pass 20M soon? It solds 100 000 units in the UK alone this year.
On Spotify "Chicago" is currently MJ's 3rd biggest track on a daily basis, with close to 1/2 million plays a day. Why the sudden interest?
Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' now ranks among the top 10 best selling albums of the year in US pure sales, 40 years after release.
No, it's the only double studio album in his catalogue. HIStory is actually not counted twice. The US RIAA is the only certification body in the world that counts double albums as 2. HIStory was released in 1995 and the RIAA established this rule in September of 1996, according to Billboard magazine. But for some reason, HIStory's sales of had reached 6x platinum bt that point, but the figure wasn't doubled to 12x platinum as it shouldve been (like Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' & The Beatles 'The Beatles' doubled their certifications for these double disc releases following the rule change). HIStory was simply updated to 7x platinum in 1999, rather than 14x platinum. Never understood this. I'm not sure if there's a loophole that excludes it, but it satisfies all of the RIAA's qualifications as a proper double album release. My guess is that MJ asked for the album to be counted as a single disc because of the controversy stirred up since the press was reporting that he was taking advantage of the rule to bolster sales, even though such a rule didn't exist at the time of release.
Hi Aska, you've got your dates wrong about when multi counting was introduced, the multi counting rule came into place in June 1992, not 1996. Due to this, pretty much nothing you said above is correct.
1992 : Multi-box sets are redefined as two or more CDs (or the equivalent in LPs or cassettes) with a minimum running time of 120 minutes. The criteria are also changed so that each unit within a set is counted separately. The criteria for a Gold® multi-box set now require sales of 500,000 units; Platinum®, one million units; and Multi-Platinum™, two million units.
1997: An exception to the 120-minute running time rule for multi-disc sets is implemented for pre-1982 releases. The running time of these albums is no longer considered. The multi-box set running time is reduced to 100 minutes.
So History hadn't reached 6m "sales" by 1996 and to date still hasn't. The 1997 rule is why things like Led Zeppelins Physical Graffiti, The Beatles White Album and Pink Floyds The Wall all doubled then. At least you now understand why it was updated to 7x Platinum in 1999 (for shipment of over 3.5m units) and not 14m for shipment of over 7m units.
Also, in reply to McPhattys, they didn't start to certify Disc 1 and Disc 2 separately, a stand alone Greatest Hits with an identical tracklist to Disc 1 was released in 2001.
It was actually a question about the counting on this website. The 18m+ (ww) sales of the double album are counted as 18m+ for the studio album and 18m+ as a compilation, as it cannibalized on the earlier studio albums as well. I was wondering if this happened more often
Is this why RIAA created certification system? Who is the best at manipulating system. The question is probably that the record company is trying to maximize revenues. Box-sets generate big money. Product is ready, it is inserted into the case and max price. Several different versions.
The Beatles have a 16 box sets and Dylan 23 box sets. First box set was Dylan's Biography 1985.
Chicago reached 100 Mio. on Spotify. Also recently Hold my hand and You are not alone.
On youtoube Beat it recently reached 900 Mio. views, Rock with you 300 Mio. and Who is it 100 Mio. views.
Michael Jackson having 5 videos over 800 MILLION views
MJ has now 5 youtoube-videos with over 800 Mio. views:
Billie Jean 1300
They don`t care about us 979
Beat It 906
Thriller 882
Smooth Criminal 800
Are these only the certain data or are potential ones certified by IFPI or Guinness World Records also added?
Can you update Michael Jackson's pure albums sales, also his EAS changed on Spotify since the last updated in 2019. Thanks !
Michael Jackson's pure albums sales should be updated.
Thriller is probably at 124/125 million Total CSPC now.
They dont care about us (Brazil-version) has now surpassed 1 billion views on youtoube.
MJ ist now the first solo-artist from 20th century with 2 vids over 1 billion. The 3rd will follow soon:
Top 5 from Michael:
Billie Jean 1345
They dont care about us 1000
Beat It 928
Thriller 899, it will hit today 900
Smooth Criminal 828
It's often quite odd that critics are always seen as the last word of wisdom and the guardians of good taste by snobs like you. What makes critics so special opinion holders, except that in many if not most cases, they have been prevented musicians, for lack of talent or bad luck? Many of those self-declared art critics cannot even prove that they have an actually certified profession, but they are only characterized by shameless hubris. The only thing this so-called guild has is to have a big mouth. However, there are no objective quality standards for art apart from empiricism, i.e. commercial success. Generally speaking, no individual opinion is worth more than another.
So if you don't like Michael Jackson’s Thriller, which you're completely free to do so, then please argue in your own words and don't use quotes from other people. Likewise, many others take the liberty of liking Thriller quite much. And that's a lot, whether you like it or not.
You are wrong. We have a professor of aesthetics and literature, they are good at judging of beauty.
You were talking about music critics and now you've switched to mentioning any chair holders from universities wherever. What has that to do with each other? What you write is pretty messy to be honest. As I said before, keep on explaining you own opinion, if you can do.
I mean Swedish Academy, there are 14 academics, who gave Bob Dylan the Nobel Prize of literature, most prestigious prize of all, because he has a reached of higher level of spirituality in his music and poetry, something like that.
That is, there are parties that evaluate art, which is also the best music.
chart data @chartdata
17. Mai
Michael Jackson now sold over 500,000 total album units in the US in 2023.