Not on the Spotify Streaming Numbers page. They are on these pages yes, but not on the Streaming Tool. Am I mistaken? I have just checked again.
Hi Petersap!
The tool retrieves songs from each artist page from sections Album / Single / Compilation. 'Appears on' category isn't listed that's true for all artists since it's too slow technically.
Well Petersap, to get Orphan tracks we need to query every album on the 'appears on' section (about 500 for current successful artists), and then query all songs on them to identify which one belongs to the artist we are looking for. The API isn't very convenient to make it efficient. I actually developped it, but I'm not expecting to make it public for now since when I did some stress tests I quickly reached the query limit of the API, imagine if the functionality is open for everyone!
I understand Lady Marmalade but not Burlesque. Whitney Houston has The Bodyguard on hers, not sure what the difference would be . . .
What is the point in having sales that are 3 years out of date? Her new album has been out for a year and a half and isn’t even mentioned! You choose to have this website open MJD, either close up shop or actually do something once in a while.
Can we get an updated version? Since this analysis we got gold certifications for Keeps Gettin' Better, Bionic and Lotus in the USA, a new album Liberation, more streams etc.
Hi MJD. Is it possible that her Asian sales are underestimated. Because based on the MIAK year end charts. Her debut album sold 200k and above and Stripped sold 120k and above in Korea. If thats the case then based on ur estimate her debut album would sell 300k and stripped less then 200k in the Asia, non japan/korean market. Wouldnt that be too small for her standard? It seems like she have very good views from various Asian countries like Indonesia and The Philippines. What do u think?
So Adele, Rihanna & Britney (first and only 3 I checked) have all had updates this year, not one has been active in over 3 years . . . Christina releases a new album last year and . . . . zippo and no update in almost 4 years. Makes sense.
Doesn't really mean much since all acts you mentioned are still outselling her with or without a new album.
I too would like to see Christina updated as I'm curious how her new album did and I think her streaming has seen a big boost in the last few years. But no need to bring other artists into this conversation. The guys at the website spend a lot of time and effort on this so let them do which artists they want.
Maybe MJD, you could just give us in indication if she will be getting an update anytime soon? 4 year old information is worthless.
First of all, this is not me. Second of all this is not Billboard where they have hundreds if not thousands of employees to updaye charts every single week. So be realistic. If u want Xtina to be updated so much. Do it urself. Make ur own website.
Hello, you forgot to include "Mi Reflejo" ( her Spanish album) she went 6 times platinum only on the Hispanic market in the USA, the album was a major hit in Latin America and Spain. She also sang with Pitbull, Andrea Bocelli and Alejandro Fernandez in Spanish ( major hit too).
The need to draw comparisons to Britney Spears is ridiculous and uncalled for. I like both and I don’t mind comparisons per se but the way you worded your language with an unnecessarily condescending tone throughout the whole article implies you’re biased which is an absolute no-go when collecting data like this. If you’re comparing something do it fully and fairly or don’t do it at all because when you’re talking about “fairly different leagues” :
1.) You’re not taking into account that Christina did not release album after album at the peak of her hype like Britney’s label smartly did after her BOMT record. Christina and her label RCA could have easily produced and released another american-global album in 2001 with the genie sound & image directly after her first album which had already spawned 3 #1 hits and a grammy award. She would have had an additional album in her discography with similar sale figures of her debut album and a commercial career boost in general which was the initial plan but she declined (!!) and chose not to follow the label game anymore because she wanted full artistic control, not a bunch of middle aged white men pulling her strings for the sake of success like Jive Records were and are still doing with Britney. That’s a major turning point! Christina shattered her fabricated pop princess image entirely and drastically with her sophomore album in 2002/03, introduced her alter ego “Xtina“ and went to a very risky and deep path musically and image-wise with a respectively compromised demographic, especially after she outed herself as a LGBTQ ally with her beautiful video which was against president Bush’s ideology.
2.) You’re not taking into account that her 3rd album Back to Basics was once again a complete image and sound change (demographic confusion) and most importantly a DOUBLE disc album and hence priced as such. It was much more expensive than a regular album, shouldn’t that be noted somehow?
3.) You’re not taking into account that Christina only ever released 6 major RCA albums (excluding the Christmas album) in 20 years meanwhile always reinventing her image/sound/theme and taking years of breaks in between (leading to an inconsistent fanbase) unlike Britney who had consistent music releases, images and sounds. Britney’s label offered maximum success by fully controlling her all her career. She followed that system up until today and achieved great commercial success (but also as a downside she underwent a lot of mental issues and breakdowns) . Christina’s label wanted the same but Christina didn’t want to be treated like some puppet which is why she broke free from that system in 2001 and took full control of her career ever since, pursuing artistry and truth with the full awareness that it meant lower sale figures. And that’s the MAJOR difference between them and why the “sales“ comparison and conversations about “leagues“ are simply ignorant.
He included in the page 20, in the Remaining long format. It's listed as 1.5 millipn copies sold.
I understand what you mean but I dont think the author is biased bc of that. The facts are's just that some of his expressions and the way he built this article with the "who's the winner" concept are a bit unprofessional and annoying. This isn't stan twitter or a tabloid magazine. Why create a one on one fight? I wish they would just stay transparent without irrational comparisons because like you explained Xtina's condition and music was compeletly different after stripped and a lot less commercial. Still that doesnt mean the author is taking sides....more like he's feeding unnecessary drama. PS: It's funny how you mentioned the Bush thing btw because nowadays everyone thinks dirrty was the most controversial of the stripped era but Beautiful was unbelievable at the time with the gay kiss and the transgender showcase. I remember my mother would not allow me to watch the video on MTV or buy her stripped record because of the cover.
Hi Adam!
Christina currently has 3.701 billion streams on Spotify which is equivalent to 3.695 million album units and she also has 4.772 billion streams on Youtube which is equivalent to 406000 album units which means that she reached 4.101 million album units from streaming alone.
Her streaming numbers were equivalent to 1.642 million album units in 2017.
This means that her CSPC numbers are currently at 53.191 million excluding new album sales, digital song sales and physical single sales.
I hope I could answer your question. 🙂
Why did you only count streams from Spotify and not from YT? Xtina has 5.3g views from YT and almost 3.9g streams from Spotify. Counting all songs (solo, ft. collabs) from all official accounts
Ur talking non sense. This site is all about sales, sales & sales. Christina probably would have sold a lot more albums at her peak if she realeased more albums but she chose not to & because of that her sales are in a lower league than Britney or whoever else that was the top singers of that time. Christina chose Critical Acclaim over sales, Britney chose the opposite. On a site that talks about sales, Christina isnt in her league, on a site that is focused on Critical Acclaim you can talk all day long and point out how Britney isnt in Christina's league. We all choose our own path & im pretty sure both girls are not complaining regarding that their careers. I also find it is unnecessary for you to try and indicate as if Britney is a puppet. Again this is a website that talks about sales. U want to talk about sales, then good. But if u want to try and throw dirt to other artist by making personal attacks, u better go to ATRL or some silly celebrity gossip website. Britney outsold Christina and sales wise Xtina isnt in her league and Christina own choices to release so few albums and chasing critical acclaik rather than playing safe and stay with one genre and retain her fans, is one of the biggest reason why sales wise she isnt in her league. You want to talk about critical acclaim or talking about Hollywood puppets. go somewhere else. Ur on the wrong site honey.
Hi Michael! You've been involved in a lot of tedious exchanges lately, I'm sure your comment can be written with less agressivity and still be understood just as well! Let's keep it friendly elseway discussions in this site would be in ATRL's vein too 😉
I dont think there's anything aggressive about my comments. I did not used one offensive word in my comment. And I dont think its tedious when someone tried to indicate an artist as a puppet. If u want to argue, then laid down all ur facts, no need to throw dirt to other artist like that. Thats rude. Also like what would people expect when they throw dirt to other artist. He/she should be expecting some retaliation.
I also hate this notion that Britney is a puppet. Jive is known to be really strict and they are not really encouraging when it comes to artist creativity. Backstreet Boys & Britney both produced an album before mostly written by them. But Jive completely scrapped them. Its not like they dont want to strive for critical acclaim. They never were given the chances. Somebody like Christina is lucky shes not signed with Jive. She wouldnt be any less of a puppet too.