New York rapper? Bruh... He's from California. He had a beef with the whole New York rap scene... How could you get something SO WRONG?
Hi Prymal!
Yes, 2Pac was a central figure in West Coast hip hop, but he was born in NYC. So the article is not wrong 🙂
Greetings, Sir. I'd like to know how to calculate the total cspc of an artist. Are there only albums included or are there singles included?
The methodology is posted at the top of every article. There's also a link to the explanation up there too
All types of sales are included (Albums, singles, streams, compilations, live albums, and more) they are just weighted differently and converted into equivalent album sales. So the total for 2Pac at 79.7 million is in equivalent album units and includes all of his sales from all formats.
There is also a section right at the bottom of the article that gives the basic formulas:
- Studio Album: sales of the original album
- Other Releases: sales of compilations generated thanks to the album
- Physical Singles: sales of physical singles from the album (ratio 3/10)
- Download Singles: sales of digital singles from the album (ratio 1,5/10)
- Streaming: equivalent album sales of all the album tracks (ratio 1/1500 for Audio stream and 1/11750 for Video stream)
Thank you so much Kris! I really appreciate that you took from your time to provide me with an answer that is valid, you don't know how much it means to me to finally understand this concept - once again; thank you!
Great work you did there MJD, though the sales figures that you brought for the European countries (specifically Germany) has been bothering me, because based on your figures, AEOM has sold 630k in Germany yet according to the BVMI (Germany's certification database) it didn't receive a Gold (250k) certification nor a Platinum (500k). Uf you don't mind me asking, from where you found those sales figures?
You are absolutely wrong on all accounts. Pac is as highly or more regarded than each of the artists you listed, and in terms of popularity he outsold all of them combined. Also, not only is All Eyez often regarded as one of the greatest rap albums ever, but Me Against the World and 7 Day Theory are also in the discussion for greatest rap album ever. Dude made 3 undisputed classics in a row which was almost unprecedented at the time. If All Eyez On Me ain’t the greatest rap album ever it comes EXTREMELY close, and I would go as far to say there has been no better rap album made in the last 25 years. Unquestionably the best rap double cd ever for sure.
All Eyez On Me definitely could be called the Sgt Peppers or better yet The White Album of hip hop. This album had a MASSIVE impact on the rap game , as well as on Tupac’s stardom itself. First double album in hip hop history (and none of the ones that followed can match it), with songs for everyone. It had hardcore songs for street dudes, club hits, cautionary tales, deeper thinking tracks, classic collaborations and posse cuts, etc. This album WAS the formula everyone ran with following its release, not to mention it launched Pac from being a rap star into a iconic behemoth. Production is some of the best ever on a rap album, and I’m not just talking about the beats themselves but the engineering, mixing, and mastering is absolutely impeccable. Like it or not this is genre defining album, there is no debating it.
Can I ask how many records it sold now as of December 2023??
If it sold 8 million that means the album is 16x platinum which would mean that it's the best selling rap album ever.
Can I ask how many records it sold now as of December 2023??
If it sold 8 million that means the album is 16x platinum which would mean that it's the best selling rap album ever.