Last seen: Mar 18, 2025
A movie starts with a script, aimed at theaters. Then some of them have a soundtrack along with it if they involve music, but the core of the project ...
Hi Mikko! To be honest, I'm not entirely sure to always understand the question on your message. About the 1962 list, the former 'flat' list based o...
Hi tsaotd! Thanks for spotting the error, it's fixed, the album is closer to 17 million yet as 1 million of his 3 million streaming units were alread...
Thanks, Johnny Be Good! Yes it is, it tops the likes I Say a Little Prayer, Mrs Robinson and Blackbird among the main challengers.
Well a movie is a movie ^^ Most music videos are live performances, some of them are compilations of video clips. The only grey zone are documentarie...
Hi Jorge! For new products, this has already been decided at our end 😉 And the formula for older stuff will slightly be amended as well!
That's correct Denysanatol! Here's the snapshot of the leaderboard after completing Hendrix.
Hi Analord! The 91.7 million are pure album sales. It doesn't include music videos, nor additional units from boxes, nor EPs. That's why the table of...
Hi Artomphaser! The numbers you list refer to digital sales, not physicals. That being said the main 3 singles did come out in France, Germany, and ...
Hi Sonique! Because of a wrong exclusion, the BTS count was frozen for 2 weeks, from Dec 12 to Dec 26, when it got updated and thus the total jumped.
Hi justiceforglory! I hope you understand everything is automated, there are no 'sabotage' or whatever nonsense there. As we mentioned very often, w...
Hi Analord! While the soundtrack isn't credited to him, I 100% agree that CYFTLT should get its relative share from the OST sales in this ranking. It...
Hi Padilla! Yes, the reissue has been adding stunning numbers to the original. As we stated on Twitter, she is already ahead of Britney Spears had we...
Hi rayman! You're correct, our Spotify system uses a user, which is based in France where I live. Here, Discipline isn't available on Spotify! Hopefu...
Hi Jorge Neto! Although no CSPC article has been posted a lot has been going on lately, with the notable addition of top streaming debuts by country ...
Hi EdSheeranIsTheBest! When you are down to 'doubt heavily' an automated process directly plugged on Spotify API, you may start questioning yourself....
Hi iilumight! It's part of the plan, we started working on it already but it's a lot of time to put together all IDs of all songs to know what the to...
Thank you Jerome for your nice words! We do put a lot of work into it, for many years, so it's always rewarding to see that this work does serve the p...
Hi Brightest_blue, thank you for noticing, it's now fixed!
Hi staneloode! These specific merges require a manual input inside our database, it has now been done 🙂
Hi ead666! Their early albums changed of label very often in the UK which is why we never got a comprehensive certification. The album TNOTB was reis...
Agree, also thrash metal is a subgenre of heavy metal anyway, so that still belongs to this category!
Hi Jazz! Yeah, I was in the tank lately first developping several backend pages to administrate our data, so that I don't have to do it alone anymore...