Last seen: Mar 14, 2025
We are updating relevant album sales when they happen. Even if on the surface it looks like the article is old, streams are updated daily, her pure al...
Late on this message too, but my message wasn't about the botted streams, but instead the artist ratio calculation. When you calculate that, say, Viet...
Just looking into it now and it seems it's back to normal. When tracks happen to miss on a day, we need to reset the scanning of the discography throu...
That's when that distinction between legacy and deep legacy acts is important. Once we consider Eminem, Coldplay or Shakira legacy, Queen aren't among...
FYI, following the merge of multiple songs into the same playcount, some her studio album's CSPCs were glitched in the high side (as these versions we...
These "ifs" are just speculative guesses, highly uneducated ones too. You are just talking nonsense out of both bias and ignorance at this point. You ...
This doesn't make sense. You speak about looking at "the bigger picture", yet to prove your point you purposedly focus on minor and unrepresentative s...
That's fixed! It was precisely due to Bieber's version being selected in some calculations, which left out some sales from Mariah's products. I change...
Understand that 100%! Truth is, with streaming lists, I always struggle to define what's "Legacy" or not. I know we listen to artists from the same ge...
& thanks for the list Thomas! It's crazy to see that these songs still added 25% ish of their release to date total, now that streams have been si...
@thomas-christiansen if you don't mind I'm putting here your list of most streamed legacy songs so that people can comment! The updated list of top ...
Sales trends are already in place for her last two albums. the artist ratio is re-calculated regularly by script based on the geographical evolution o...
They are doing very well indeed! Dreams has been getting their streams' points in the UK, the good news for them is that even with the top 2 hits s...
I didn't provide all the details for the CD sales indeed, and yes the cassette release also impacts although I tried to keep it simple! There are two ...
Time really flies, it feels like they were releasing albums yesterday and their big (& recent) ones are now 4-6 years old, that's crazy! I'm reall...
That's a good question! Obviously, the Korean music industry has practices which differ a lot from Western markets. There, mini albums are common, w...
You are spot on with all your questions! It's indeed some kind of machine learning, 14 cassettes/cartridge would (by default) be worth in sales in the...
It is reasonable - and it isn't 🙂 We do have a complete set of ratios for 25+ formats, like cassette being worth roughly 10 times more than vinyls,...
Small updates: - as seen in the Analysis section of the site, Seventeen has been posted - EXO sales figures are completed at our end, should be on...
Good question! There must be a glitch, I suppose the Bieber version is messing something in the database, I'll check and fix whatever needs to be fixe...
I believe it's more like 450 million by now 🤔