Last seen: Mar 18, 2025
I haven't said it is 'the most' popular ever, I said it's widely regarded as the best, which means it is among the ones that would be very frequently ...
150k is a lot once we consider his albums weren't even released there by Death Row, which obviously wasn't a global label. 2Pac sold tons of units thr...
Hi Analord! Let's be real, what you tell is true among pseudo-purists, and Rock n Roll fans turned critics that occupy 90% of the spots inside US pub...
Hi guys! Here is the screen shot showing Genesis' wining this round, they are the next pick! Don't forget to complete / update your votes for th...
Hi Denysanatol! As newpost34 says, these are double albums, certified Diamond for sales of 5 million albums / 10 million discs. I can confirm t...
Oh sorry for that, thank you (& ojd & Padilla) for spotting it out, it's fixed now!
Hi Lee / Braca! Yes, the situation about Queen's US compilations has always been confusing. Let's clear things up. About our figures: GH (origi...
Hi Stavros! As Martin mentions, certifications are just a starting point when compiling sales numbers, not the final result. The 1xP cert in the US f...
Hi Padilla! We need to complete his streams, re-check/finish the sales numbers and do the writing part, then it will be done 🙂 hopefully it will com...
Hi Meca76, What do you want to see fixed? I may be overlooking something but I see no issue with their physical singles pic.
Hi all, Just a small notice to inform that we can detect scam votes, so no need to spam us with fake accounts to get Xuxa treated. If it continues,...
How can we ignore the script aspect? It's the fundamental of movies. It's like a song without sounds, then it's not a song. About Blue Hawaii, I disa...
Hi Donchano! Sadly, pure sales are completely dead in Latin America right now, and have been for quite some time. AMPROFON started adding streams (an...
You completely overlook the script part, which is fundamental to define if something is a movie or not. A musical is a specific genre of movies. It's...
Hi Nevermind! Only a few small points as it's getting late where I am 🙂 1) Taylor hasn't got a crossover hit in years, nothing grants that she will...
Hi Tom! Certainly you can't say someone is incorrect and purposedly cherry-pick data the way you do. You say that Justin sold less in China than Tay...
Hi Jsak! Yes, everything is counted and detailed inside the page, with appropriate weighting for each format.
Hi Pedro! As the title of the page mentions, the page lists studio albums only. The majority of LY:A streams are from previously released tracks, whi...
Hi Swiftclocks! Both links are fairly different. The first is a simple claim from a jornalist, there are millions like that. They may work for popula...
Hi Jake! You are missing the point. There's no need of the 'whole world' coming under the IFPI. The IFPI does not add up charts and sales from every ...
Hi Mikko! Not sure to understand your question, but if it's about Dylan's popularity in France, yes he gots his first hits there later than elsewhere...
Hi Jazz! Mikko is correct, record sales and streams are only the visible part of artists' revenues. Each time a song airs on the radio there are roya...