Last seen: Mar 15, 2025
Hi Tnno2, It isn't the truth, in fact it's purely inaccurate. UVST went #1 in Spain, top 5 in Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, top 40 in Germany,...
Hi everyone! As we are done with Kanye, we are supposed to move into the next one, with Roberto Carlos leading the pack, ahead of Aretha Franklin a...
Hi Andrea, Sadly, I don't think we can do much here. In this case, Spotify updated 9 of the 11 tracks at first instead of the full album, something t...
Hi guys! Here is a new page to play with as part of the new automated background that I've mentioned in the last article with upcoming news. This ...
Jordan, Martin answered "No." rather than "NO", which doesn't sound the same at all obviously. If we were to make a list and looking at total sales,...
Hi Analord! Please, prevent me the "pleases", especially when you base your message, as usual, on misquotes 😉 I don't think I've said that the lis...
Hi Samuel! Some of your numbers are outdated, or even incorrect for Canada. There, the song sold 400k, it did so in Germany too. The largest gap is S...
Hi Jordan! Not overrating Robbie and underrating him are two different things 😉 No matter how you look at it, you won't be able to claim that R...
Hi Tommy! Nope, the statistics about the number of songs are all about the lead tracks only.
Hi Magnus! The totals shown in the main table do not include these versions. The breakdown aims to show all versions with a dedicated playcount. Wh...
Hi Todd! The fact that Elvis went down 600m actually highlights very well my previous comments. A small check at his page 'Artist History' to see hi...
Hi Mike! We are currently setting up an improved version of the streaming tool which will reduce a lot the ups and downs that we see frequently. In a...
I think you were correct about Bleach still. The thing with this kind of albums is that they have next to no general public awareness, yet the artist ...
I feel like both of you Martin and Analord are missunderstanding the point of Thomas. He isn't saying that had Queen only released their first 3 albu...
Hi Chip Norton and LiohaK! Thanks for noticing, missing songs have been added, Numb too.
Hi Emerzonne, It's interesting that with your combo of fanatic and complotist mindset, you point out numbers not going high enough, but you say noth...
Hi Matt! It's a display issue that we have for albums which contain a track which is a feature. Songs from NTM moved 12m, but See You Again is a feat...
Hi Lurker, If you are still not able to understand the difference between pure sales and equivalent album sales with songs' downloads and streams, ...
Hi emerson, If she sold that much, why do you need to make up numbers? This is the real statement of Sony Music: "she has sold more than 43 million...
Hi Matt! I don't know if you have noticed it, but in the 3 most recent CSPCs, we introduced an "ArtistRatio" which is now used within the Spotify ext...