Last seen: Mar 19, 2025
Hi Rodolfo! There are many reasons leading to undercertified releases, and both Deep Purple and Iron Maiden check most of them. In incomplete list wo...
Hi Analord! It's about the whole package, significant following, critical acclaim and ongoing sales. It's mainly the classic rock acts or related whi...
Hi Padilla! As we list net shipment units, we had the album on 240k US sales up to that point. After that were the UK at 20k, Japan at 15k, Canada at...
Hi all! With Iron Maiden posted, here is the screen shot of the situation by this point. It was a close battle between Jimi Hendrix and 2Pac with the...
And why don't both of you don't quit this pointless argument? The discussion is full of absurd claims, tainted with hate, and brings nothing interesti...
Hi Binderella! The auto updates do use exclusively the new Spotify streams, but they weight them according to the streaming ratios verified during th...
There are little point in separating 'singles' and 'tracks' in digital statistics, that is something from the physicals era. Why would you take 50% f...
Trumru, You need to be more careful / precise when you deal with the numbers. - 4.342 + 588 = 4.93 million rather than 5.104 million - 300m streams ...
Hi Fred! The tool is working as expected, but Spotify hasn't update its database for 3 days. Hopefully this will be sorted very soon!
And most well-known artists in the World and most successful are two different things. If you take this route surely you would conclude that Ariana Gr...
Hi Trumry! There are two big flaws on your message. The first is that you add sales since 2005. The thing is, Billboard last reported its Nielsen sal...
Hi Jsak! Why not? Both had relatively short careers, yet they Metallica and Springsteen in US sales. Garth Brooks is moderately to not popular over a...
That's correct Padilla, hopefully it's just a glitch at their end that will be fixed by the beginning of the week!
Hi all! I feel like all of you are right. It's true that overall artists like R.E.M., Michael Jackson and Madonna sold relatively better in the UK th...
Hi edward! A formula is detailed in the article, using Spotify, YouTube, QQ, Genie and AWA to value comprehensive audio and video streams in the Worl...
No need to spam multiple articles Sonique. We can't work on new articles and tools and react within' a minute to comments. All release to date playco...
Hi LiohaK! Thanks for noticing, this is fixed. We also added the dynamic KPIs bloc as we do on CSPC lights!
Hi person! No album decreased, ME was at 10.9 million in 2019. The automatic process was putting it at 12.2 million by extrapolating increases on rem...
Well spotted césar and L145, this is fixed! Also, 'The Best' and 'Christmas Kisses' had their old values listed, it's updated now 🙂
Hi amare135! He isn't mad, he is correct. Security rules from streaming platforms are very different. It depends if you need to log in, if the valid...
Great post Baraka92! It's funny to see that many of the observations you have while looking at streaming stats, I've had the same 15 years ago when d...