Last seen: Feb 12, 2025
No, Metallica is much closer to Pink Floyd, a band who sold 200m albums including about 14m compilations...
"what's safe to say is that we can't say nor believe that One added 3.3m+ sales in the UK (or 30m+ globally) to their sales." Just to be clear, no ...
Top 10 most streamed songs from 1 (EAS) : Let It Be [Let It Be] – 569,000 Hey Jude [Orphan] – 555,000 Come Together [Abbey Road] – 520,000 Yest...
No it's not a "well known thing" that Load and Reload aren't metal, it's a well known thing that they are a mix of metal and hard rock. Your main argu...
No it's pretty far behind (16.2m vs 17m), Justice must be selling like 100k a year but Fallen is also selling maybe 65k a year.
Youtube isn't just music though, for example the Thriller video has much more views than Beat It even though it's clearly a less popular song. I can s...
Enter Sandman was always bigger than Nothing Else Matters, physical and digital sales for both : ES : 1.39m NEM : 1.01m ES : 6.05m NEM : 3.98m
Does the mention of "hardcore bombs" in the article refers to Flash Gordon and Hot Space ? Flash Gordon was a largely instrumental soundtrack released...
Yeah, an opposite case would be Eminem's Till I Collapse, it wasn't even released as a single but now it's credited for a third of The Eminem Show's s...
I'd say 28.5m for SWW and 16m for New Jersey. Note that Cross Road must've sold like 12m in its first year, thanks to the massive hit Always (#1 in Eu...
Top pre-2000 songs, credit to Thomas Christiansen : (#) indicates ranking as of Jan 2nd 2021. As of Jan 1st 2022: 1 (1) QUEEN – Bohemian Rhaps...
Don't Stop Me Now 1.4b, Another One Bites The Dust 1.3b, Don't Stop Believin 1.3b, Take On Me maybe 1.3b, I've no search credit left 🙁
Oh I know about the CSPC method 😆 It's totally irrelevant to this discussion though, the question was "how much more AFD would've sold without the...
700k a year in 2003, 300k/year since then with no GH = >5m, 3m< with the GH.
Well, if the idea is that 14m people would've bought a GNR album if the GH wasn't released, then it's highly simplistic, to say the least. What's the ...
I'm guessing close to 34m for Appetite, the Nirvana GH had a much smaller impact I think so I'd add maybe just 1m.
Sure, also Bon Jovi's New Jersey (13.9m in 2016), but I have GNR's Greatest Hits at 14.4m and Creed's Human Clay at 14.2m 😉
Best selling hard rock albums : 1. Led Zeppelin - IV : 37m 2. AC/DC - Back In Black : 37m 3. Guns N' Roses - Appetite For Destruction : 31m 4. B...
Fun fact about Phil Collins/Genesis : he wrote In The Air Tonight for a Genesis album but the other members didn't like it (!) so he figured maybe he ...
Oh another reply I missed, isn't it possible to show more "Recent Comments" with Wordpress ? Subscribing to every thread is rather annoying... Anyw...
I wouldn't include the Peter Gabriel-era stuff in his total, so more like 238m, similar to Madonna (245m, but with more video stuff).
I've no idea why you're referring to these "markets"... If you mean that the black album sold more than Morning Glory therefore it should have more st...
Metallica influenced by Mötley Crüe, really ? 😆 They despised these "glam metal" bands, just because they hired Dr Feelgood's producer doesn't cha...
Zeppelin IV does have similar streaming numbers to DSOTM (1.5b), less than The Wall though (2b), but of course this one has 26 songs. I don't know ...
"Glam metal" is a misleading term, it's really just hard rock bands influenced by Van Halen, Kiss and the like, although as Martin said some of Mötley...