Last seen: Feb 12, 2025
Sorry but I'm really not sure what you're getting at... Shakira ? 😕 She has like 2m streaming EAS from the 90s, why would she be included in a pre-20...
Yeah but a lot of his songs would be in the "orphan" category (Ghetto Gospel...etc). His albums alone total 1.8m actually (1.6m for TLS), and with the...
Well, first off you can't have both Mariah and 2Pac in the top 10 since the #10 would be Nirvana (8.6m). And what I meant is that they both have a big...
A lot of these artists are from the streaming era though (Drake, BTS...etc) so I wouldn't compare their streams with Elton's. Top 10 pre-2000s acts...
Just checking the top 30 albums on the list, I only found two albums whose least streamed song is over 200m : Olivia Rodrigo's Sour (202m) and Billie ...
That's because the "most streamed albums" list isn't actually about the most streamed albums, Ed Sheeran's ÷ has a few songs with only 200 million str...
I'm confused... You don't think Halo is the main reason people bought her album, right ? When it became a hit the album had already sold around 3.5m (...
Also, do you have any information about the airplay of songs like Here Comes The Sun or Wish You Were Here back in the 70s ? I know Pink Floyd release...
"The real outlier is ‘Till I Collapse which gained ground quickly in spite of really not been promoted at first." How is this different than 2Pac's...
"Approaching 50m" isn't enough to be in the list, and I think she's closer to 40m anyway.
I see, so MJ is bigger in France than in the UK even though he sold twice more albums in the UK... Cool. Just to be sure, you don't actually believ...
Albums: Elvis - 244m MJ - 235m EPs: Elvis - 16m MJ - 0m Physical Singles: Elvis - 135m MJ - 79m Digital Singles: Elvis - 37m MJ - 80m...
Why on earth are you talking about the "global heat map method" ? 😆 And what am I "making up" exactly ?
No, Elvis sold more albums and more singles than MJ.
"At least it will break even and even if it doesn’t it’s going to get very close." So you're not even sure it will break even but you think it's do...
Well they're not listed alphabetically are they 😉 If you want more precise figures a lot of them are listed here.
No one said it was a flop in Europe.
I'd have to look it up but 5-6-7 are quite far from each other, Load must be close to Limp Bizkit but its catalog sales are obviously not that great.....
Of course, to be historical something has to be unique or exceptional, that's why it's remembered... I think MJD has a taste for hyperbole, I remember...
Oh, and I don't have a "vendetta" against you 😆 “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contr...
I definitely don't think ABBA's studio albums would've become major classics without their compilations, and for the same reason I think a lot of peop...
Let's read it again... "The most surprising fact for an act that registered out-of-this-world smashes, as well as hard core bombs, is to see that e...
Guns 'N Roses have a 34m average if you don't include Lies, which is basically an EP released in the middle of their first album's era, with half of i...
What a strange career... Only 34% of her sales come from the US, which is extremely low for an American artist (even lower than MJ and Madonna), de...
Really ? I see no mention of the media : "The most surprising fact for an act that registered out-of-this-world smashes, as well as hard core bombs...