Last seen: Feb 12, 2025
Would you say Neil Diamond is the last artist missing from the top 50?
What do you mean by "we aren't accounting for market figures"? I think the 75%/25% used by Billboard makes more sense, 100%/50% makes some songs more ...
Elvis did 200m in the US though, similar to The Beatles. "Biggest solo act of all time" in the US essentially means biggest act period.
No, more like 30m albums. She's in the requests leaderboard actually with a weighting of "1", which I believe means a projected CSPC total of less tha...
The Beatles would've been in 1964, when Lyndon Johnson was elected President which is often enough to be Person of The Year. In his case, Time justifi...
Yeah she's basically the first artist to be Person of The Year. Before that, Bono was on the cover alongside Bill & Melinda Gates in 2005 as "The ...
Insane year tbh, the biggest year anyone ever had.
Spotify x artist ratio = streaming numbers on all platforms
Taylor is disadvantaged on Spotify because she's huge in the US and Asia where Spotify has a lot of competition. That's why her artist ratio on Chartm...
Also from what I've read India has something like 65 million active users, while Arijit Singh has 95 million followers... Is that even possible? (g...
I wonder what explains the discrepancy between followers and streams for Indian artists? For example Arijit Singh is the 2nd most followed artist (abo...
There should be a bot answer in this comment section saying "read the article ffs" every time "monthly listeners" is mentioned.
True about Love Story's "international version" but the difference is that the entirety of COO was remixed, so technically it's not a country album. B...
Actually I just remembered that Come On Over's "international" version mix removed the country elements, and I think it was also the case for the sing...
Interesting list, the opposite of one-hit wonders in a way. Of course MJ is a special case having released so few albums, and Elvis peaked before the ...
Eagles started as a country rock band but by the time of Hotel California they were just pop rock basically. Wikipedia calls the album "rock" for exam...
Can you explain why songs like Shake The Disease or Only When I Lose Myself aren't in the "orphan" category? They were released to promote compilation...
What is wrong with you? Martin and MJD already explained how nonsensical this is, Metallica had a new album one year ago so of course their monthly li...
I wouldn't say selling 5m albums in the UK is "lukewarm", they basically had as much success there as in the US or most of Europe. The most notable ma...
While 1989 TV beat the first week of Britney's OIDIA Fearless also just passed it in total sales (25m). It will likely pass the Eagles' debut album (2...
"Without digging into exact details (most notably video sales, Motown material etc), his biggest year is most likely 2009 over 1983." I assumed aro...
And please change your username, it's like you're asking to get banned or something...
Chartmasters has an article about it: 10 million by Jun 21, 1983. 12 million by Sep 17, 1983. 13 million by Nov 11, 1983. 14 million by Dec 4, 1...
MJ's biggest calendar year is 1983, during which Thriller sold 20m. His EAS total during that year would be 30m or so.
OMG... 6th biggest pure sales week ever: Adele - 25 3.4m Nsync - No Strings Attached 2.4m Nsync - Celebrity 1.9m Eminem - The Marshall Mathers L...