Last seen: Mar 9, 2025
Cause we're having some rankings for non-English/Spanish albums, this one is for the Portuguese list.
Hi Jonasl91! It's not enough for the 2022 ranking. Although it's gaining fast from their tour now, I'll probably add it for the German ranking aft...
That makes sense, at least for post regulation sales.
Sales of their JP releases are included among compilations. None of them are regarded as studio releases though as they have many tracks already on KR...
Hi ewerton! The reissue In Life is already added, songs on them have shared totals so we go with the biggest one.
The requirement is 500m..
It should be there now!
Hi Hummingbird! We actually did use this version before. But decided to remove it since most of the extra streams came from La Tortura, which is al...
Hi Aitor! The requirement is 500m.
It's not a question if it's the same album. sales of lives and compilations are also assigned to the studio release. It's simply a question of what so...
Hi Lammar! The total sales per country doesn't include all formats such as Chinese DLs, DVDs and most EPs.
Yes, this is the sad part about a lot of media outlets. Many are too lazy to look into anything themselves and simply copy what other newspapers have ...
Hi A&E! It's the latter, the total sales listed by country are indeed albums only while the Brazil article include DVDs etc too.
It's a tricky case. The only version available includes Part 1 and is regarded as a compilation. Yet there's no way to purchase Part 2 exclusively. ...
Hi AAZ! The requirement is 200m, and this number will go up over time. Albums beneath that are only for language specific lists.
Hi Gus! I don't see an issue with it since the albums are by different artists, there are many similar cases.
Aruo is right! I thought they referred to 30 earlier. But 25 is indeed at 232k copies on Saoju while 91k in this article, equalling 41k CSPC. It se...
Hi Aruo! Chinese sales for it are included already, look at the compilation section.
Hi Denysanatol! The 3.3m figure is estimated shipment for it. We kept the estimate here at the lower end since there's no Gaon figure yet.
Hi zeusfelix! A multiplier has been set to QQ numbers to account for remaining CN platforms.
Hi Awais! If you look at the compilations section will you notice that its sales are already distributed across their studio albums.
Hi Kat! No Twice album in this list are lower. the current requirement is 250m, which none of these have reached as of now.
You need to wait for the update, it will show up in about 5 hours I'd say.