Well its a coffee table book called SEX sold over 1.5 million WW, which sold 500k in US in its first week at 50 dollars. Way far from for kids...Books for kids are another thing.
Regarded as best singer and front man of all time? Maybe but we have to consider that the BH actor acted/performed well as Freddie and Freddie had a solo album which was not successful.
Queen has more EAS sales than Madonna? Freddie can't even succeed when he went solo. He can only succeed with the help of his band on a band name , not his name. And again madonna is one person while Queen isn't so divide the total eas of the band into the number of band members please.
Whether Queen was still alive or not, they will not beat never beat Madonna's networth. ,adonna is simply just a very expensive human being.
Are we going to divide EAS for The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, U2, AC/DC? Literally wtf
Last thing, being a band is not always a benefit. A solo artist can record and release what they want. A band needs to have the approval of everyone to make everything. Also, if you lose a member, is difficult to continue (like Queen with Freddie). Madonna’s bassist, guitarrist, drummer, etc, can die or leave and be replaced easier than a band member.
Well again, divide the EAS equally is simply stupid. Yes, the four made Queen, diving equally is “cOrReCt” thing, but what if one member was more active than the others (Freddie)? Correct is the least describing thing for this. If Freddie was more active and wrote more songs, then he should have more EAS, but everyone made Queen, and that is not fair (having less). Dividing it’s not correct. (Other example would be The Beatles, with John and Paul taking the place of Freddie, still not correct).
A last last thing, Freddie’s Barcelona (single and album) peaked at number 2 when Barcelona was chose as Barcelona’s 92 Olympic Games official Song. And Freddie’s Living On My Own (93 remix) went n.1 in many European countries and in European Hot 100. So yes, Freddie did had some success.
One thing, taxes are lower in the USA and concerts are more net, so it's better to Be popular in the USA.
I'd say making right decisions to live longer and stay relevant must be considered too. Madonna is intelligent on managing herself to keep her popularity and live longer, especially the fact that she's doing her own thing as a solo artist. It is not Madonna's fault that she still lives.
Queen would have continued to create music though and people would think it's still the original Queen band if the vocalist is still alive. Other members can be considered replaceable
Queen may have outsold Madonna in total EAS but if we consider everything (not just music) Madonna is still the bigger person than Queen. Madonna is Madonna but Queen is not Freddie Mercury.
The first and only album that Freddie wasn’t 100% present in the recordings (Made in Heaven) is rated as the worst Queen album almost everywhere.
Well I may say that Queen by now is more popular and influencial than Madonna, but if we go 10 years back, everyone should admit that Madonna was the one that ruled.
Sorry to tell you that you're wrong.
If almost everybody knows Queen but everybody knows Madonna. You can start every person from your neighborhood.
It's also easier to know and remember madonna cos she's a solo artist while ia lot of people cant even memorize all names of Queen members.
Madonna has more worldwide hit songs played on different forms (not just spotify) of media.
Madonna stuff is almost everywhere
Madonna has a bigger networth.
Sorry for telling you this but in my neighborhood only the adults and one or two teens/kids know Madonna. F
And if Queen has 32 million Spotify listeners and Madonna 13, I think we all know who is more popular now. But yes historically Madonna is bigger.
Queen were always more popular than Madonna, especially outside the US.
Facebook exists since 2004, and they were always bigger.
Queen - 28.5 million likes
Madonna - 17.8 million likes
i swear it sounds like the age of the posters who are fighting madonna vs queen is around 8. just grow up and stop it, you attack each other like it was your mother or brother you were defending. none of these artists know or care that you even exist. maybe that will give u some context...
I'm not inventing excuses. Those are facts when streaming wasn't around, when radio stations were huge, havingtheir own countdowns and Madonna's songs were pretty much radio and tv friendly. And yes, let'snot forget about all her fans listening on Madonna casette, cds, etc. Those times when illegal downloading was huge too. Madonna is bigger.
And do more of them know queen. Do they know the queen member names? Do they recognize the Queen's faces? Im pretty sure a lot of them can think how madonna looks like.