
Queen albums and so...
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Queen albums and songs sales

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Signing a deal Guest
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RLAAMJR, your talking utter bullshit again.

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😂😂 actually Martin I think this RLAAMJR dude is a Spammer and a Spanner, with the rubbish he writes on here.

Making some noise Guest
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Why bring that onto the Queen page? If you're gonna go there, The Beatles are at the top in terms of historical commercial success and impact and influence, by far.
These days, Jackson is down at 102nd on Spotify, while (keeping on topic) Queen are the most streamed legacy act.

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I think this is the most disliked message ever posted in all ChartMasters HAHAHAHAHAHAH.

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stream is about the music, not the person. its queen's music that got remembered

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Ok, this will be my last coment in this Quenn thing.
Now with my comment, what the fuck.
If Queen's music is remembered and has more fame, it should be the same with the artist, don't joke.
The only thing that makes posible what you just said is that someone downloads playlists already made and that this playlist has a Queen song and this person (somehow) doesn't know or doesn't care that is done by Queen. This a very, very small minority of the general monthly listners of Queen, 32 million.
Also, this happens with all artists, no exceptions.

Garage singer Guest
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For a music band, djdj is right.

Garage singer Guest
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Time always tells the truth? Time is showing you that people are actually appreciating Queen’s music more as time goes on. Queen’s music are studied at schools and universities for their complexity, key changes and interesting usages of notes. I am highly doubtful that anyone would be studying Madonna’s music in 40 year’s time.

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This is why those equivalent sales means nothing. All Madonna studio albums from the 80s sold more than any studio album released by Queen at the same time, True Blue (over 22kk), Like a Virgin (over 21kk), Like a Prayer (15kk), Queen best selling studio album sold around 11 million copies and is from the 70s . Even her compilation The Immaculate Collection sold more than all compilations released by Queen, if she had another compilation with the same success of TIC she had beat them in those ridiculous equivalent sales. So Madonna albums sold more than Queen albums from the 70s, 80s and 90s, but they're are more successful than her? No way.

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Your argument is utter rubbish, Madonnas had her day and Queen are still ploughing ahead and are far more popular with the younger audiences. Queen are standing the test of time far far better than old Madge.

Got his first mic Guest
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oh, sure you're absolutely wrong. If MJ movie will filmed (as great as BR) his numbers will much higer then Queen's. Don't know what you mean about theatre productions, but Jackson's shows always sucessful. WWRY a song from famous advertisment... Not everibody even know whose it.

Got his first mic Guest
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They're very "Soft" and theatrical with simple pop motives. Not wonder.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Yeah, very soft.

Making some noise Guest
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There are some incredible figures being reported on the Haven forum by Shireblogger with regards to Queen's UK single Sales.
Reported by Shireblogger May 27th 2020.
In last year's thread I described how "Don't Stop Me Now", "We Are The Champions" and "Under Pressure" had joined "Bohemian Rhapsody" as millionaires. By the end of this year, Queen will have ten tracks into seven figures in the UK, and will overtake Coldplay as the band with the most millionaire tracks.
The 2018 movie has undoubtedly introduced Queen to a generation of new fans. This level of success is not solely down to unimaginative oldies streaming Dad Rock through their Alexas. Queen sold over 4,000,000 singles in the UK last year - more than they sold in the whole of the 1970s.
Towards the end of this year "Bohemian Rhapsody" will become the third track in the UK to pass 4,000,000 sales + streaming equivalent sales, a few weeks ahead of Band Aid, and therefore joining "Candle In The Wind" and "Shape Of You" in the stratosphere.
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody :: 4,000k (December 2020)
Queen - Don't Stop Me Now :: 1,425k (April 2019)
Queen - Under Pressure :: 1,100k (February 2019)
Queen - We Are The Champions :: 1,000k (February 2019)
Queen - I Want To Break Free :: 1,160k
Queen - Somebody To Love :: 1,140k
Queen - Another One Bites The Dust :: 1,120k
Queen - Radio Ga Ga :: 1,000k (in September 2020)
Queen - Killer Queen :: 1,000k (in October 2020)
Queen - Crazy Little Thing Called Love :: 1,000k (in December 2020)
Truly indebted to SB for this information, SB will hopefully address Queen's UK single sales towards the end of 2020 but as he states it would be best to look later in the year as Queen's sales are still very high at present.

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Making some noise Guest
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Hei, i'm examined and compared the sales volumes various countries. For the Queen, sales are i think, overestimated. I posted Bob Dylan's thread yesterday on the sale of Spanish albums. 50th anniversary of Superventas lists. From 1st of April 1969 to Match. Point system, which is most sensible. The Queen was 10th, 14 top ten albums, 2 number one, 10 weeks on top. First was Joan Serrat 2. Julio Iglesias 3. Bob Dylan 6. Bruce Springsteen 7. Beatles 10. Queen 12 Rolling Stones 15. Elton John 17. Madonna. Together 50 names. Chartmasters reports Queen's sales 6,67 milloin copies. Thinking that Dylan and Bruce have sold maximum 4 milloin, as recorded for Michael Jackson. Queen figure is badly disproportionate to others. USA sales had risen to 47 milloin. Almost same as Dylan. Greasy Lake previously estimated 41 million in USA. Queen soundscan sales is 20 million 1991-2011. And later i wonder Italy.
To Mjd many thanks really. You are the best in your industry.

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One problem with point systems is that they don't account for market size. Way more albums were sold at Queen's peak than Dylan's. A big part of Queen's sales there came from club sales as well that were not accounted for on the charts.

Making some noise Guest
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The 1970-1980 (decades) Queen doesn't have any albums among the top 50 in Spain. Queen performed only 5 concerts in Spain with fairly modest audience numbers. Last in Marbella in 1986. Altough the list-act studio records are average, so sales are the top notch. Sales are channeled to studio records.
Club sales, USA, Spain? I dont know. Queen soundscan sales is 20 million albums from 1991-2011 and those who studied so Queen sales in the USA from 1970 to end 1980 were mediocre. 42 millions in USA is close to the truth. Dylan Soundscan sales were 23 million from 1991-2013. (same as Barbra Streisand and same period). I think Dylan Us album sales are about 50 million. And sales has remain thanks to Nobel Price. Chartmasters figures from Dylan are correct. Problem is overestimating Queens sales.
In Italy sales according to hitparadeitaly is modest. A night at The Opera is not among the 100 bestselling 1975-1976. It was until 1991 that Innuendo rose to the top ten, number 9 in year 1991. 8,8 million in Italy and 6,7 million in Spain are not reliable figures. 47 million in the USA far too much. 42-43 million is more correct figure.

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Hi Mika!

You're giving way too much importance to charts. When we talk about artists like Queen or Bob Dylan, their interest is clearly limited, it's only the visible part of the iceberg. Chart performance during 10/20 weeks represents next to nothing in comparison to 30-40 catalog albums shifting decent numbers week after week, year after year, since several decades. That's not even considering the lack of accuracy of some charts, if you check Alabama, they spent a mere 1 week inside the US Top 10 album chart, at #10, yet they are one of the best selling acts ever in the country.

In 1975 in Italy, about 50,000 was enough to belong to the top 10/20 albums of the year. That's less than Queen's yearly sales in the 10s decade in spite of a dreadful market that is a 4th of what it used to be. In fact, even outside of Mercury's death madness (2m+ sales in 91/92 alone), during the 90s the band was shifting every year about the same as mid-70s' annual top sellers. The same situation is true in Spain. Just for fun, I looked at the top 20 sellers in Italy in 1975 according to hitparadeitalia, only 1 of them has been certified Gold for sales since 2009 to date as ANATO has been.

In these comments, I do not even take into account the multiple "one-per-week release" campaigns that took place in both Italy and Spain since 2008. They moved over 1m units in Italy and almost 2m in Spain while going unnoticed since their specific nature made them not eligible to chart.

Back to the US, while the research job done on Greasy Lake is good to put together Soundscan sales, the estimation part is very poorly done. It adds vague and conservative soundscan estimates since the last award, without caring about club sales nor if the certification was date-specific or not. When multiple catalog albums are awarded together, one can't seriously expect all albums to have pass the exact criteria the same day. It's a big lie to say that Queen sales in the 70s were "mediocre". From 1975 to 1981 they sold 16 million albums, there haven't been many artists who outdid them in the US during this period. Obviously, their new releases in the latter part of the 80s haven't done well at all, so the myth of them being unpopular there was extended to their debut to Mercury's death, but it's deeply untrue.

Also, you seem to base your claims on data from about 8 years ago. I agree 42 million would have been a more correct figure... 8 years ago. Time passes and Queen, as many classic artists, keep selling. Their top albums alone sold 1.5m+ in the US since the release of the Bohemian Rhapsody movie.

Making some noise Guest
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1975-1981, it's 6 year. 16 million albums in USA. It IS more than 2,5 million per year! But Soundscan after that is one million per year also 20 million albums to 2011. Freddie died end of the year 1991. I remember, i bought Innuendo C-cassette then. Freddies death was not a big deal here in Scandinavia and Finland. I think Queens popularity is lowest here in the North. Freddie had such a reputation as a posing (like Bowie). I myself have been listening to Queen, perhaps the most after Dylan. So i'm pretty old and i remember this stuff closely. In Spanish i learned to listen Dylan. Dylanita is the name of the fan. So the Queen has sold almost The same on USA as Dylan.......Dylan is Sonys best selling artist globally every year. 2018 second best selling after Traviscott period Q4. Dylan has released more than 120 (sic!) records since 2010. And they sell well. Some have money to buy everything possible or receive it a Christmas gift.

Making some noise Guest
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Hej. I was wrong, Queens sales were really strong on 1975-81. 16 million in Usa is certainly right. I studied more.

Garage singer Guest
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Freddie Mercury mostly wrote Innuendo, Roger Taylor only contributed some lyrics.

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Looks like Queen will be the first artist in history to cross 100m albums on continental Europe.

Garage singer Guest
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omg! 25million jump over madonna since that movie?? another strong biopic/documentary coupled with their strong legacy and current popularity might see another 25 million jump lol

Garage singer Guest
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disrespecting the other legend is uncalled never know one big movie on madonna or that inevitable death push some 25 years down the line may significantly raise her and u hv been spatting on MJ.MADONNA in each and evry thread with fake IDs cool down,,,u cant compare A band to a solo artist

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