6.8 million is not bad but if he's moving on with new era with new singles i think it will slow down as single's promotion will slowdown but let's see
hi MJD, thanks for this analysis!
I want to ask what's the new formula of incorporating Chinese Sales from the pre-new rules era.
nope, its over 7m+ now, literally 6 months back his agency revealed that JUSTICE sold over 6m units there is no way it sold only 6.8 considering how its 3rd best selling album of the year and best selling male pop album in pure sales too
Hi navya!
This is not how it works, there aren't a definitive, absolute value that an album is up to. All figures announced nowadays are equivalent album sales, so they always depend on the formula you use. Our point here is to set up figures for all artists using always the same formula, so that everyone is on the same scale, rather than using claims from labels that can use whatever formula they want to. In most of these communications, they use YouTube views at full ratio to inflate numbers, we don't do that at our end.
Agency can inflate the sales of its clients. And 6,8mil is A LOT. I think Chartmasters did a great job.
btw when can we expact Madonna's sales? 😛
Hi Padilla!
Yes, the new formula has been used.
Up to now, it was sales * price / 50, so that an album at 25Y was counted at 50% of its sales.
From now on, the formula is:
- pre-regulation releases: sales * price /50 * (1 + NI*0.5) where NI = 1 for non-idols acts, 0 for idols.
- post-regulation releases: 1 sale = 1 CSPC unit
For example, take 3 albums, an album from BTS from 2019, an album from Justin Bieber from 2020, and an album from Taylor Swift from 2022 each sell 1 million, each sold at 25Y.
BTS: 500k CSPC ( 1m * 25 / 50 * (1+ 0*0.5) which equals to 1m * 0.5 * 1 )
JB: 750k CSPC ( 1m * 25 / 50 * (1+ 1*0.5) which equals to 1m * 0.5 * 1.5 )
TS: 1m CSPC (1 sales = 1 CSPC)
Great article. I'm a bit confused with regards to his total sales because yesterday (04/05), his numbers totalled at around 92M, as stated at the bottom of your article, but numbers have seemed to be updated (eg 3.95M for Changes vs 6.92M now) and it seems like overall, he has actually sold 100M. Which one is it? 92M or 100M? Are these updated numbers a mistake?
With the new rule for China and of her sales this years I can’t wait to see her update
Hey, it’s been reported that Physically/digitally Changes sold more than 820K and Justice sold more than 970K in China alone so how come the numbers are lower? And will you be updating the rest of his albums soon.
Thank you for the updates on his latest albums!
Chinese Sales are counted they are in the "Compilations sales figures listing" section
Hi Donchano!
Idols in the Asian sense of it are indeed kpop groups, but also jpop and cpop formatted groups. It's a very specific industry. No western act will be regarded as Idol from this a Chinese point of view.
Please tell physical sales of peaches and stay. Also thanks for updating pure sales.