
Iron Maiden albums ...
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Iron Maiden albums and songs sales

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(@Breno Raphaldini)
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Yet they are, undoubtedly, the most influential metal ever band after Black Sabbath.

(@Breno Raphaldini)
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In Brazil and Italy Maiden sold roughly twice as much as Metallica!

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What about Deep Purple? Aren't they heavy metal?

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So in your opinion from 13 February 2019 Metallica just to match Maiden have sold 3 million records in the UK, one million in France, 2 million in Italy and another 2 million in Brazil, it seems like a science fiction undertaking 🙂
Outside of North America I would say that the Maiden are decidedly superior sellers in many very important markets, for me it is certainly not new.

(@Rodolfo Queiroz Laterza)
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Deep Purple is deeply and highly influential for both Iron Maiden and Metallica, but its profile is much more vast and wide than heavy metal.

Deep Purple was essential for NWOBHM, speed metal, metal neoclassic, hard rock and other heavy rock styles. But it is not restricted to the heavy metal scene.

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Great Work MJD, and great numbers, proud to be a maiden fan since late 80's

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also there is 2x platinum certification issued before 2001 with BPI on it. Photo can be found on the classic album DVD, so pretty much official lol. not sure why it is not on the website as well

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There are almost 60 million differences dictated solely by the North American market, the question is simple

(@Breno Raphaldini)
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I wouldn't say they are heavy metal as a band. But the album In Rock is as influential to metal as the Black Sabbath debut in my opinion, it introduced a lot of elements like high pitch vocals, the galloping riffs that are used all the time by Iron Maiden and other countless bands. However other albums are not so close to heavy metal like the funk influenced MKIII/IV, and the more fusion/jazz rock influenced hard rock of the Steve Morse era.

(@Chris Fix)
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Great presentation of data! Really puts their success in perspective. As a fan, I really appreciate Iron Maiden and their contribution to the music scene over the decades. I was born in 1983, but once discovered it took no time to do my catch up homework and start singing along to all of their songs. Eventually purchasing their albums, memorabilia, and tickets. Truly a once in a lifetime experience to be a fan, and feel a part of the legacy! 🤘

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Top 10 metal acts (EAS) :

Metallica - 161m
Linkin Park - 88m
Iron Maiden - 88m
Black Sabbath - 79m
Judas Priest - 55m?
Ozzy Osbourne - 52m
Korn - 50m?
Limp Bizkit - 35m?
Evanescence - 30m
System Of A Down - 28m?

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Metallica he already has 210m.

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Selling so much in Japan and relatively little in the rest of Asia how do you explain it ?

(@Breno Raphaldini)
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Sounds plausible, but just wouldn't call metal anything bellow Ozzy nor Linkin Park. I think Megadeth might have sold about 30m or even more..

(@Breno Raphaldini)
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I think other countries were smaller markets for metal. Metal has never been very popular in China and India. But it is in Indonesia and the Phillipines.

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Close to 25m :

Alice In Chains
Rage Against The Machine

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Metallica excluded...

Making some noise
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You think that Linkin Park, Evanescence or Limp Bizkit are more "metal" than AC/DC, who should be #1?

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AC/DC is pure hard rock, not metal.

Top 5 hard rock bands :

Led Zeppelin
Bon Jovi
Guns 'N Roses

Making some noise
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I think it's kinda funny when you put AC/DC and Bon Jovi under the same category.

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The iconic covers of Derek Riggs and the mascot Eddie I think have contributed to their notable success, as has the makeup for Kiss.

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I would say that Iron Maiden fans are a bit of a fanatic, a great band but there are many others in the history of music, even at a more underground level.

(@Rodolfo Queiroz Laterza)
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According this site Metallica did not reach this score. Read it firstly.

(@Rodolfo Queiroz Laterza)
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I agree upperly. As a fan with almost twenty records, acts like King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, Deep Purple, Cream, Hendrix, The Who are very more important but Iron Maiden gets being overestimated by metal media and their fans.

By the way, musicians from Iron Maiden as Bruce Dickinson, Steve Harris, Janick Gers note those bands as stronger and more influential .

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