
Eminem albums and s...
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Eminem albums and songs sales

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Just leave it there, you two. It's just a pointless slanging match now.

Signing a deal Guest
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I didn't. I just pointed out a fact and being excited to see my fave reaching such mark. That person just started bashing for no reason. Anyways they will be ignored now

Garage singer Guest
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What do you mean by double counting of billboard and riaa? They're separate entities. Afaik riaa doesn't use billboard method? They certify based solely on SALES, nothing else. Billboard uses bullshit like "radio play" and factors in payola...but riaa requires receipts and proof of purchase to certify the sale (afaik)
If a song sells 10 million units then it should be acknowledged it sold that amount imo. It doesn't mean much for the whole album tbh....recovery has 2 diamond singles but is not a diamond album (yet) but mmlp has zero diamond singles but is a diamond album...mmlp2 is no where even close to being diamond but it has several big successful singles on it.

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I meant double counting in a sense that when we count eas, we count diamond single as 1 million album sale to album. I mean we convert it. Thats double counting for every artist. Album EAS is already impressive

Garage singer Guest
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Ah, I see.
I get what you're saying, yeah....but given that everything is now streamed for free it completely demolished sales entirely, so if a streaming conversion wasn't made then all artist's album sales would be zero, or not much more than. Since streaming took over, everything's become so singles based and so 'flash-in-the-pan, QUICK, onto the next!" it literally wouldn't be viable to even make music at all anymore, unless the target was to make a 30 second tiktok "hit"...
On top of that, you buy an album once and you listen to it who knows how many times over who knows how many years....vs NOT buy shit and streaming it for free and getting to do the exact same could actually make an argument the conversion is too small for the respective value to each. So I think it's fair for that reason. There is literally NO other way of determining a comparative measurement in the modern industry era.

Making some noise Guest
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Yes bro! I'm really looking forward to that homie. What's crazy is Eminem didn't update his WHOLE discography. MMLP2 for example. As well as songs like Killshot... I think this was part one to his update and another one is coming soon. Maybe after his next album? Maybe he left MMLP2 off the update because he's about to release MMLP3? Who knows!

(@Chris Reeves)
Got his first mic Guest
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Yes it definitely was easy to understand you just one of these people that is probably a eminem hater. Lol 😆 it really gets under their skin he is so good. They prob just started out on the wrong foot with eminem just like Christopher Reeves did with Em. 😄 🤣 I bet that is Ken Kaniff from Connecticut commenting

Making some noise Guest
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When can we expect to see Eminem's pure sales for each album updated? RIAA has already given us indications that his sales on some of his albums in the US alone are far higher than what's listed here. Are we waiting for Eminem's next album release to update it all? Because I genuinely do think once updated it's possible Eminem will go up to 215 - 230 million sales. Which would launch him past ACDC, U2, Elton John, Led Zeppelin, and get really close to surpassing Pink Floyd. Which I don't doubt streaming sales within the next 24 - 36 months would do that anyway to be honest. But it would be really cool to see his pure sales from the US at the very least updated.

Making some noise
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RIAA includes streaming units into their album certifications, hence why their certified units are higher than the pure sales listed here.
But his current streaming number are already accounted for in his overall CSPC units of 197 million and his pure sales were last updated less than 1 year ago, and in that timeframe he certainly didn't sell 15-30 million in pure sales, especially with no new album.

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 3 years ago
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Right! Thanks for letting me know.

Signing a deal Guest
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Assuming the the overall rise in CSPC figures for all artists is due to the new adjusted formula and not a glitch, congratulations to Eminem on joining the 200 million club! Outstanding achievement!

Garage singer Guest
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Thought it was a glitch at first because it was so sudden....but nope, the numbers are staying stable....congratulations to Em for entering the top 10 greatest selling all time!!!!! >200 million and still climbing!
It feels like we always ask for him to be updated but damn...he's TOP 10 now guys 🤣🤣

Making some noise Guest
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Please update Avril Lavigne pure sales 🙁

Garage singer Guest
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Agreed, she hasn’t been undated in 4 years! I wanna see her sales.

Garage singer Guest
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We need her update bc she's dropped two albums since the last and the new anniversary edition of let go is out so its perfect time

Making some noise
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Relapse must have 9,246,000 EAS in summary , but in the "Career CSPC Results" 8,374,000 EAS . Please change this .

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Hi DenysAnatol!

The current display is confusing, we need to see how to deal with this, but the 8.37m total is correct. The gap is due to 'Forever' which is a feature, hence its digital points and lowered, which is why the total doesn't equal to numbers from each category.

Garage singer
Joined: 3 years ago
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Why post this on Eminem's page though?

Garage singer
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This comment didn't age well.LMAO.

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
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Yeah but it was really weird. Pre superbowl em was at 195, then after the SB got a big boost in streams and therefore gained quickly but steadily up to 198. Then he jumped suddenly to 202, which I had thought was a mistake, but it stayed there for more than a week iirc because I purposefully waited to see if it was a glitch. Then...they removed 7m from him and dropped him not to his pre-jump numbers, but to his pre SB numbers! They just took away MONTHS of streams where he had the highest peak listeners of his career and reset him to back below Celine before that all took place......
He's back to 198 again now but he just had close to half a year taken away from him and no explanation was ever given.

Garage singer
Joined: 3 years ago
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I asked about this before. think this occurred due to The Eminem Show deluxe. They automatically count all those streams as a new project although it's mostly just the new songs, then they correct it and get rid of the streams from doubles. Same thing will happen with Curtain Call 2 but to a less extent, as that is a Greatest Hits Album it'll perform better than a Deluxe. Expect Eminem to go up to 215 - 220 before dropping to about 200 - 205 million. Plus Eminem has been working on music since 2020 so I definitely expect another full length album late 2022 so I reckon he'll go up to 205 - 210 by new year.

Garage singer
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Just caught wind that the songs have slight adjustments to the mastering, lyrics and recordings. So they won't need to remove numbers from duplicate streams because these will be new tracks on Spotify.They will probably add to the numbers of the original songs though. I heard Godzilla has a whole new intro apparently. I'm excited to see what the songs sound like from 2013 and back remastered.

Garage singer Guest
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So I thought your explanation of the extended edition was good, except that it wouldn't account for anything close to the full amount.....but they've literally just done it again.....he was just under 199 yesterday and now today he's back down below Celine AGAIN with 196.
Whatever system chartmasters is using is clearly flawed as fuck because this is an insane level of instability and poor reliability.

Garage singer
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Apparently the changes to the songs weren't drastic enough to actually be looked at as new songs. So my whole idea is thrown away lmao. But yes the system could be better, more manual I think.

Garage singer
Joined: 3 years ago
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Wishful thinking, but, with the release of Curtain Call 2. I hope to see streaming sales sales on Relapse, Recovery, MMLP 2, Revival, Kamikaze and MTBMB boost a fair bit. Would be amazing to see Relapse get to 10 mil eas worldwide. It's such an under rated album.I think it deserves at least that.Recovery was soon to break 20 mil sales anyway sooner or later but with CC2 now I feel like it could be a matter of a couple months. Would like to see MMLP2 get to 15 million. Revival probably could shoot up to 5 mil, Kamikaze and MTBMB likely could both get to 10 mil with a bit of time, I don't think it's THAT much of a stretch to say three years honestly. Four at tops, though most will argue five or six.

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