Hello, I'm a fan of Robbie Williams and I know his story very well, since you don't know it or you are not well informed don't talk, thank you🙏
200 million club by end of 2022, if he releases an album. Wonder how much gap Drake will cover by 2030. But Eminem is great in streaming. So it will be tough to catch him. I guess in end these 2 will be biggest selling rappers of all time. Eminem with new releases will be like at 250 million plus . And Drake around 180 to 190 million plus and one day he will slow down too. Lol at people trying to insert Robbie williams in conversation where he doesn't belongs.
Damn outsold every female artist expect Madonna. Even she isn't safe in long run.
Streaming Sales don't really move too many units. Drake sold 103,631,000 albums within his entire career, Eminem sold 123 mil in one decade... The two rappers really aren't in the same league and shouldn't be compared to each other.
Eminem's first three albums alone have sold WAY more sales than Robbie William's entire body of work... Like it's not even close, look at the numbers before you comment. Eminem was a global phenomenon who owned an era, no one was even close to Eminem in the 2000s. Robbie was apart of a large crowd of successful artists, Eminem made that crowd look like his entourage. And Eminem kept up the heat for the next decade too. Robbie's buzz has faded.
Exciting to see the next update for Em. I've heard from multiple sources that Curtain Call is going diamond soon in the US. And Recovery isn't too far after that! I reckon by superbowl type Em will finally update all the certifications his albums. I give SSLP and Encore to 2025 to both go diamond as well. MMLP2 not too long after I reckon! He'll probably pass the 210,000,000 - 220,000,000 album sale mark if he updates the certifications of his entire discography in the next couple of months.
Oh well, maybe you can't understand things, I was referring to the previous message which said: "Robbie Williams doesn't even write his songs" so look at the messages before commenting
Curtain call went diamond! His 3rd one. Recovery in some years as well! 200 million club this year , if he releases an album! Who would've thought he will outsell mariah and celine, when more than half of his albums came after peak of album sales!!!
“ Who would’ve thought he will outsell mariah and celine, when more than half of his albums came after peak of album sales!!!”
But he outsell them due the equivalent sales from digital and stream. In pure sales (albums) he still under both of them in a considerable margin. This comment makes no sense.
A sale is a sale? What are you on about? Eminemfan had no mention of outselling them with pure sales, you made that your own narrative... Your comment makes no sense.
No. He talked about "peak of album sales" how if Eminem outsold them only with pure sales. This was clear to me!!! What I said is just the true. If that's not what he meant, he expressed himself badly. Life goes on. By the way, Congrats Eminem!!! 190M EQUIVALENT SALES is a great achievement =D
It is 2022 not 1992. Chartmasters, ifpi, billboard use EAS method to determine best selling artists. A hard concept for diva's fans to digest i guess? Whole consumption matters and counts in overall best selling artist. Same way Taylor gonna outsell whitney, barbara by end of decade. He still sold 125 million pure. Not his fault that he is good in both streaming and downloads. And created a catalog of songs, which are streamed week after week than some people's forgotten number ones expect one song every holiday. Stay stuck in stone age, where only pure album sales determine best sellers. And Eminem has that too, despite being half of his catalog after peak of album sales compared to other 2.
You have reading problems. I meant he outsold overall them as a whole, despite being at disadvantage of missing out a whole decade of music industry's album sales peak. You understood what i meant. But stay obtuse and bitter that he outsold your precious divas. And gap will keep getting bigger. I expressed myself perfectly and people with common sense will understand. Not his problem that he created a valuable catalog, not forgotten one!
Recovery is next. Though will take some years. He will have 4 diamond sellers. Jeez!
No. If you wanted to say it was in overall sales you wouldn't have mentioned peak album sales since that's not the reason he surpassed them. You expressed yourself badly. You don't have to be so pressed about it. It happens!!! Even more in your case that walks through all the topics with comments that are often unnecessary. One more time: Congrats, Sr. Eminem 😀
Who tries to make everything a dispute is you and not me. The divas, Taylor or Eminem will all remain successful and that's okay. I suggest you seek a doctor. XO
No - he expressed his meaning perfectly because everybody else understood it with ease. The decade of the 90s was when music sales were at an all time high, in general - the industry's peak album sale era. The state of the music industry is not
the same today as what it was 30 years ago, and that's a very well established fact across everyone in the industry. The era of major high sellers is GONE, and has been for a long time. People used to debut with 1million first week and now an artist is doing well if they cross 100k (and yes that INCLUDES streaming factored in, because all of that is what constitutes a modern album sale - it's still a miniscule fraction of what album sales USED to be!!!) If you're SERIOUSLY going to sit there and argue that that's not fact, then Eminemfan is correct, it reads like you're trying to be weirdly obtuse on a factual topic that's common knowledge.
With his recent cert update, if he maintains this pace this man is on track to rack up the most diamonds of any artist in certification history.....recovery, till I collapse and the monster are all now 8x plat, and the real slim shady, without me and rap God are all 7x will take several years but there's a VERY real possibility he can rack up 12 diamond certifications
Lmao there was no dispute here. I made a very valid statement and everyone here got it. Expect u , who tried to make something out of that statement which it wasn't
and it is bcoz we had disagreement in other posts, bcoz i pointed out terrible sales of your forgotten fave. And you are still bitter over them.
Twist the words as u want, Eminem stays relevant and top artist of last 40 years. We dIscuss EAS in CM. Common sense isn't common
You are now making fully twisted statements bcoz ur point makes no sense. Anyone with common sense got my comment about him being not in era of peak album sales and still outselling your precious divas in overall consumption. What expose? Lmao. You are exposing yorself as idiot now, who is stuck in past glory of 90s sales.🤣 I expressed my self perfectly. Its not my problem , if your brain lack comprehensive skills.
Why should i be pressed? My fave is relevant even today. His streams speak for itself. Whereas only one pressed is you bcoz your faves catalog is actually forgotten and bitter abput my past comments on her which were facts😎!!!!!! I made factual statement here and even in your fave's post too. Too bad you ae still pressed and bitter about it. As you can't digest truth. Everyone understood my comment. Your lame attempt to get back at me failed.
Now go to mjd crying about my comments like last time lmao
Jeez 12 diamond certifications. Even though i m no fan of double counting of billboard and Riaa. I mean album being diamond is amazing enough for me and those sigles are already counted in that EAS. Billboard should come with correct methodology.. Eminem's 4 albums big diamond is more amazing to me anyday!