
Eminem albums and s...
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Eminem albums and songs sales

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Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
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Well, if that's how you read it, you obviously can't understand written English or just choose to find hidden meanings in things, that aren't even there.

It's got absolutely nothing to do with respect or lack of it towards Eminem, the lack of respect is for idiotic comments and points of view, like yours.

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 1 year ago
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I don't care what you say but it's the actions behind them that proves your bias. I asked about the lack of updation and removal of album sales figures in your list. Moreover, when a legend like Dre who has reliable source speaks about album sales, you people don't have the respect to acknowledge him but speak against him.

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What is Dre's reliable source, what is his breakdown of Eminems sales, where did he get his info and above all, where does his legendary status for providing sales figures to the public come from. As I've never seen him listed anywhere as being legendary in the world of music sales. Just being a legendary music artists/producer etc, does not make or mean you are a music sales guru.

And if you don't care what we say, why even bother communicating with me or anyone on here. Surely it's futile for you, if you think we are all just full of shit, fan boys!

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 1 year ago
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I would rather believe Dre than some random fanboys list. Dre owns the music label and it is just hilarious people here telling he won't be able to know his products sales numbers. So you are implying that Dre was lying when he told album sales was over 220 millions. I, just a fanboy, never said anything bad about a single artist listed by you but you people are unbelievable.

Signing a deal Guest
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Record labels always add extra millions. That's being said he just be around 220 million. And same logic is applied to every artist. Cm is quite accurate and close to most label reports

Global sensation Guest
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I like how you keep calling me/us fanboys, it's ironically funny. The only person in this discussion, displaying fanboy behaviour, is yourself.

You are accepting the word of somebody, wholly based on who that person is. You have not dissected what he said, you have not analysed what he said, you've not tried to breakdown what he said. You have merely accepted what he said, because it was him that said it. He could be telling you anything and you don't really know what he's telling you, you're just believing him, because it's him.

That sounds like a fanboy to me, what do you think? It would seem some people just want to hear the "truth" and others actually want to try and find it out.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Still trying to reason with fanboys, I see? Good luck!

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I was mainly rebutting or poking fun at the fact he is actually calling me/us fan boys lol

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 14

You obviously lack logic if you think i am a fan of dre and so believes him. Dre owns the label, it's better to believe him than some people who are lazy to research for their work. It's not just Dre, many media reports are there confirming over 220 million album sales. And what's about your analysis and breakdown. Adding album sales and removing it, regularly updating some artists and ignoring others, your analysis doesn't reflect on Eminem's album sales while he is still one of the most selling, most streamed artists.

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My point had nothing to do with you being a fan of either Eminem or Dr Dre, it was about displaying fan boy behaviour, such as, just taking somenes word for something, just because of who they are, not necessarily because you know it's true.

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 14

I already answered, it's not just Dre, many media reported about album sales crossing 220 million. It was 2-3 years ago, still your eas just 212 million, this is a joke. If your team had the same enthusiasm reporting album sales of Phil Collins or Madonna for Eminem's, he would have achieved around 250 million album sales in your list, no cap. I hope an official site will provide the album sales data in future and be fair to every artist.

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So what if lots of media outlets posted it, they probably all picked up on what he said and just ran with it. We see this throughout history, labels etc releasing ambiguous or false info, from the Beatles and Presley 1 Billion claims, to Michael Jacksons 750m, Back in Black 50m, Led Zeppelin 300m, all overstated and taken by various media outlets and regurgitated.

Garage singer Guest
Joined: 1 year ago
Posts: 14

Media was reporting before Dre said it. And Elvis 1 billion sales is for the records, so you are now saying that guinness records is also wrong lol. I hope you research more instead of claiming everything you say is correct.

Global sensation Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 603

Oh, I give up, believe what you want to believe.

Got his first mic Guest
Joined: 9 months ago
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High school Taylor fans who broke up with their boyfriends are crowded here. ,The level of comments is a disgrace.

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