
Ed Sheeran albums a...
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Ed Sheeran albums and songs sales

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Got his first mic Guest
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Update Ed Sheeran pls, its been more than a year!!!

Hyped artist Guest
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Ed Sheeran Career CSPC Results ??

Hyped artist Guest
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Garage singer Guest
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Horrible discography, his lasts albums are trash

Garage singer Guest
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Update Ed Sheeran please!

Garage singer
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He seems to past his peak. His ladt 2 outputs don't have that much worldwide impact. He still manage to do hits though (Like Bad habits, Shivers and I Dont care).

But he is a wonderful Touring artist. He just dont have the biggest fan base, so his sales went down with the market.

Making some noise
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Does anyone know why there's such a gap between his overall units here and on the 'Top Artists' page?
If you add up his numbers on this page, you get about 85M CSPC units, but on the overall artists list, he has over 95M units. That's quite the difference.

(@Dora the Internet Explorer)
Garage singer Guest
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Subtract is one of the biggest bombs of the last few decades

Landi Schorsch
Signing a deal
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Like Adele's 30 (2021), Ed Sheeran's Subtract (2023) will probably sell fewer than its respective predecessors. Ed Sheeran's predecessors remained relatively stable in the Billboard 200 as well in other charts. And now Subtract is already in free falling. Maybe a sign of Third British Invasion's decline?

Garage singer Guest
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The biggest problem with these damn labels is the "rule" of songs going viral on the web first and investing later, that for me is the worst disgust they do to the best artists like: him (Ed Sheeran), Adele, Miley Cyrus, Healsey and among others, I could be wrong but looking closely lately at the amounts and names of streams on the albums of some artists are influencing the pure sales of 2021 so far, the greatest example of all this is Olivia Rodrigo who thanks to the giant streams her first album sold more 1 million and 100 thousand pure copies worldwide

Got his first mic
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Is there a date when his pure sales will be updated? Would be very intressting for Equals and Subtract

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Difference is 30 sold lots still. Subtract is a bonifide flop.

Viral on Spotify Guest
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Wow-- Equals actually performed extremely well, that's a pretty impressive showing. Subtract must surely be one of the biggest commercial declines of all time. Given Equals is already gaining 800 more streaming units daily, it seems the 90%+ drop will only grow and grow

Garage singer Guest
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his last album is an absoulte flop

Hyped artist Guest
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Divide is already bigger then "25" by Adele !

Hyped artist Guest
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I do not understand why "Shape of you" had only 9.332.000 EAS of 32.344.000 (28,9 % ) out of an album if it has 6.327.000 EAS on streaming (30,2 % of "Divide" ) , 9.332.500 digital sales ( 43,7 % ) .

Hyped artist
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Substract's failure is spectacular indeed ahthough there are similar cases recently, you have the Arctic Monkey's Tranquility album (1.1m compared to the previous one at 12.9m) or Lewis Capaldi's new album (0.5m vs. 9.4m), that one is only a month old though.

The biggest flop ever has to be Vanilla Ice's 2nd album, the 1st one sold 14m (pure) while the 2nd one sold like 50k or something 😆

Viral on Spotify Guest
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In the Arctic Monkey's case though it's partially just a case of AM having some of the best recurrent streams of all time. I think the gap for Lewis will only grow unless his newest album bags another hit

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Hi Denysanatol!

You are correct, numbers have already been updated since your comment but the point was true. To be honest although I developed it myself there are now so many schedulers which update every piece of the data that I don't know exactly what happened, but the idea is that the Top EAS songs got calculated while a sub-piece used to calculate it (not sure which one) had yet to be updated on its side.

Since all schedulers run daily, these kind of issues should be fixed fast (as in this case), if not then that would be an issue to be addressed.

Anyway, the real update of SOY has it at 10,127,000, while TOL stands at 7,475,000. The former moves ahead of Let It Go, with only Adele's trio higher among 2010s tracks.

Amazingly, Adele claims tracks at 1, 2, 3, and 6 while Ed is at 4, 7 and 10, leaving barely 3 tracks for remaining others inside the decade top 10. These are Let It Go, Bieber's Baby and Love the Way You Lie.

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Hi Manati!

Sales trends have been set, meaning numbers will continue getting updated daily. Once these automatic updates get out of line with the reality (which is unlikely to happen anytime soon for Equals, for Subtract we never know), then we may update them again.

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We will have to see if Ed gets busy with features/additional tracks or let the project go. Equals wouldn't look as strong without tracks added later on, it has like 2.5 million coming from them.

It doesn't take more than one real hit released in the upcoming 12/18 months and added to a reissue to make it look better, and Sheeran certainly knows how to release hits.

Don't get me wrong, Subtrack is a real bomb for now, but with him we saw this story already so better be cautious 😉

Hyped artist Guest
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Thank You ! Your speed is impressive . I am even don't expect an update of Ed Sheeran's article so fast !

Hyped artist Guest
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I'm afraid yes ! Like "Witness" by Katy Perry , I think .

Hyped artist Guest
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Why "No.6 Collaborations Project's" streaming increase is too small ( 470 EAS daily ) with total 7.529.000 EAS?

Viral on Spotify Guest
Joined: 6 years ago
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I was confused why equals was so high tbh and I had completely forgotten he had added Peru, afterglow, etc. It's kinda a shame her resorted to that practice, and I'm sure he will do it again with subtract if he has an opportunity. Then again, it's becoming a lot more commonplace with even Taylor Swift participating (altho I do think there is a clear distinction in adding remixes in a deluxe than misc standalone singles), I feel like she is gearing up for something similar with Lover.

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