MC Hammer. It would be nice to see the CSPC of his album Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em, and where would it rank on the list.
I think this idea of "voting" for people's favourite artists to be analyzed next is sort of purposeless. To make the all-time lists more accurate and representative of the real all-time music situation the true most successful artists of all time need to be analyzed plus maybe, if possible, a focus on individual songs that were the biggest hits without doing the entire artist. For artists, Def Leppard, with 2 of the biggest 30 or so albums of all-time should be analyzed. Others are Beach Boys, Journey, Van Halen, Heart, Supremes , Foreigner.
I'd like to see Suzanne Vega CSPC numbers studied. All I know, she got some big hits as "Tom's Diner" and "Luka" once in time.
It would be nice to see Mike Oldfield's CSPC. The first Tubular Bells album was big seller. But, how his other albums went...?
Although never covered by RIAA in his tenure with Motown, it would be great to learn how many records Marvin Gaye Solf Overall.
C'mon guys...........I'm dying for you to do Rod Stewart. I'll donate $100 if you do the article the original way with the 50- 60 pages. PLEASE. Reach out to me if you need more money or stipulations..................
Hi Nathan!
We will not got back to the original format, it requires just so so much writting time, we prefer focusing on researches / data analysis than copy / pasting stuff ^^
If you want the breakdown of every compilation, I can send it to you.
As for donations to do Rod Stewart, no need for it, he has to be done since he is one of the very biggest artists who has yet to be treated!
I'm a huge fan of Mike Oldfield, and I want his CSPC to be done immediately! 🙂
Could You Do Kesha,Wont be so tough,she only had 3 album yet.And Nicki Minaj is coming back,looking forward to yours job
Honestly, I'm losing hope to see Neil Young, here. He adds new albums every four months. I know it would be a long and difficult job.
Hi chartmasters team,
I just wanna know if Bing Crosby is currently being studied and will you be posting his analysis this year?
Foe me, the artists that should be given priority are:
Nicki Minaj - has the most votes here and also the queen of rap. The rap god Eminem and king of streaming Drake have been studied so Nicki deserves to be prioritized.
Santana - their "supernatural" album is the only album missing in the top 10/20 on this site's "best selling albums of all time.
Bing Crosby - his "white christmas" song has been declared as the top selling song of all time and we wanna know if it can top off Celine's titanic song or not.