Yes I was going to say this also.. it seems 150M is super ridiculous I don't even see on korean articles big bang reaching 10m in album sales, but I heard they are really strong in digital sales and in China music platform (QQ Music) claiming their singles reach millions and yet the 150m surpassing Backstreet Boys seems impossible
Another update for Backstreet Boys, they just come back with DNA (2018) and earned a lot in physical sales about 300,000k EAS at first week, I don't know how much it earned but I think its higher than the last three albumséajustement-ventes-de-tous-les-artistes-à-plus-de-30m/
This is a list from you from 2008, (I believe) If you look at the list, Rod Stewart is the highest on list not studied yet.........can you please consider analyzing the artists that are above 100m so we have those best selling artists finished.
Rod Stewart and The Police/Sting are among those who need the most a CSPC article.
Even though new acts are always a pleasure to read, could we have a general update of all the ones studied back in 2016? It's been almost 3 years, some might have changed a lot...
Hi Nathan!
Yes, completely all-time lists is definitely our priority right now. We started with the biggest albums. With Evanescence, we completed the top 10 of the 00s. The last truly big albums missing are Supernatural, Tapestry plus a few 90s blockbusters. We also need to do Journey because Dont' Stop Believin' will feature so high in various all-time lists. Then, next priority is indeed the all-time top sellers, over 100m there is 6/7 artists missing. Now that Anthony and Stephen are doing such a great job in updating recent artists I feel like I'll have at last enough time to work on them. Hopefully during the next 6/12 months they are all completed 🙂
Is this list still to be taken into account ? Hasn’t been updated in a while.