
Janet Jackson album...
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Janet Jackson albums and songs sales

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Signing a deal Guest
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Thing is these artists will put anyone under the bus if it benefits them. Now they say its good pr to stand with so called victim multi millionaire women ( stunt was planned we all know ), they gonna ride d train and she is mj''s sister. He defined impact. Even though whatever his personal life is all about.

Signing a deal Guest
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Bcoz sade actually build a loyal fanbase who waits for her and has an actual legacy.

Signing a deal Guest
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Sade's music has always been sold with her timeless beauty and different songs. Band was just like backup

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I am person of color myself. I am whitney sade fan. I believe in numbers not imaginary impact

Garage singer Guest
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Nearly every artists on this planets are overshadowing by Michael or the Beatles are you kidding me lol 🤣🤣🤣

Garage singer Guest
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So true 👍👍 we never said that Janet is the best selling female artist of all time but she belongs to ones of the greatest and she’s not a b league singer that nobody knows like you try to prove… the only person that you try to convince here is you. Many many artists can only dream to have even half of her career and achievements

Garage singer Guest
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They made up her so-called " impact" which is actually MJ impact .
Watch them claim Beyonce , when Beyonce has ALWAYS claimed since day one MJ is her prime inspiration ( +Tina Turner ) . Watch them claim Teyana Taylord in "Bare With Me" when everybody and thei mamas instantly recognise MJ . You dont see her songs picked up by Talent shows candidates or commercials but she more impact than anyone LOOL .More delusional you cant be .

Garage singer Guest
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There is already someone calling me "Fake account" LMAO !

Garage singer Guest
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The point is you cant put her on Madonna , Whitney , Mariah level with these numbers . 80Millions PALE in comparison to these artists . And this is only females , dont even start with males .

Nobody says she didnt have some sort of success , she is just NOT at legend level . Even Boys Too Men beat her at that , they have a DIAMOND album , Janet couldnt PULL a DIAMOND album in her biggest market .Britney Spears has more influence and star power than her . You overrate her and we correct the fallacies . It's that simple !

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
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Racism??? I'm black lmaooo. I'm tired. What's racist about what I said? I called her a relic, which is a fact when you look at her streams. I said that she lagged behind her so called rivals, which is a fact when you look at her sales. Everything I said is TRUE! What is there to be jealous of career-wise?

Making some noise Guest
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In terms of being the "top black girl" she definitely was lagging behind. She had an image, and now that the image has faded, the music can't stand the test of time.

Hyped artist
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Literally no one said she was "a rival of these 4" 😆

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 5 years ago
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Again, even with less albums (in both sales and streams), Céline is still and will always be miles ahead:

89 million - Céline's top 2 album sales combined

77.9 million - Janet's career CSPC sales

*Celine outsold Janet's entire discography with just two albums and is far superior in streams with just three albums so anything you say still wouldn't make sense.

Making some noise Guest
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Ok so she is not their league. So WHAT? You made your point now move on and get a life. There is also no need for comparisons. A little bit of comparisons is fine, too much of it is childish and annoying. Plus, after a certain point of sales, I dont know maybe 40-50 million sales it really doesnt matter anympre. They all had amazing success, full stop. I think you and EminemFan should stop acting childish. I have a feeling u 2 are the same person based on your points and the way you write. Its so annoying to see you making comments on an Ed Sheeran section saying he is greedy. Like what is your problem? MJD have said before he doesnt want this to be an ATRL fan wars site and I love that idea. So if you are trying to start a fan war go to ATRL dont come here.

Making some noise Guest
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So what if her numbers are not good enough compared to Whitney or Madonnq or whatever? So what? Nobody is denying the fact that she isnt in their league. People are just saying what she achieved is still amazing. I couldnt think of a sibling that managed to get huge success after their sibling reached commercial success first. So she did great. You made your point. Move on and get a life. I have a life because unless you didnt notice I dont waste my time trying to create "FAN WARS" something which cant be said for you.

Making some noise Guest
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Yes it is true she is not on Mariah league. Again SO WHAT? I dont understand what's the issue here? So shes not as big as Mariah why are u making that an issue? I dont understand why you have to create a fan war out of nothing. And to say she's been handed silver platter is so false. She is the only artist in history that managed to make it big following another sibling success. I couldnt think of anybody else. Even Latoya Jackson and all of the Jackson 5 brothers failed to have even moderate success. So her success is legit. Your comment is nothing but simply attacking on artist. Which is so silly

Making some noise Guest
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Who says she has more influence than Britney or Boyz 2 Men? She probably doesnt. And even if thats the case. Again SO WHAT? Why are you coming here and start attacking on artist, knowing full well you will get a lot of argumentative replies. Im sorry to say. Maybe its true you have a life. But your attitude right now doesnt show like you have one. I have never met a successful person acted in such a way as you do. Its obvious you were looking for a reaction and attention. Not even going to entertain you anymore.

Hyped artist
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Holy shit... Are you even reading my posts ? Anyway, let's just end this before I say things I might regret.

"Last edited 18 hours ago by francis23456" 😆

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 27

The fact that you have to mention anything else outside the topic because you have nothing left to say lmao.

Hyped artist
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I have nothing left to say to you, that's right 😉

Hyped artist
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"So if you are trying to start a fan war go to ATRL dont come here."

To be fair, ATRL do have policies regarding trolls, one of their rules is "Do not post comments with the intent of derailing the thread into out of control arguments".

Member Moderator
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What a pointless discussion! Her numbers are shown, you can think about it what you want, but now it's just being rude and disrespectful. She has fans and haters, we get it, let's move on, okay?

Signing a deal Guest
Joined: 8 years ago
Posts: 98

buddy, you've been repeating the same idiocies and oozing gratuitous hatred for two weeks. Don't you have a house to sweep, dishes to wash? Anyway, since the page has become a lawless land that allows a
imbecile like you flooding useless things out there, feel free to continue playing your clown role.

(@Claudius Faria)
Garage singer Guest
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The big four and Janet's total Spotify streams numbers.

Mariah Carey: 4.820.127.970
Madonna: 3.799.793.574
Whitney Houston: 3.768.686.684
Celine Dion: 3.018.870.667
Janet Jackson is not on the list the 1000 most streamed artists ever on Spotify.

(@Claudius Faria)
Garage singer Guest
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 8

The Big Four and Janet's total YouTube views!

Mariah Carey: 5.529.049.132
Whitney Houston: 4.142.344.679
Celine Dion:
Janet Jackson: 350.715.539

Janet's streams are very low we can't compare to the Big Four

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