Hi Lurker,
If you are still not able to understand the difference between pure sales and equivalent album sales with songs' downloads and streams, I would strongly recommend you to read in full both the article and the CSPC introduction that is linked before commenting on data.
When nowadays there are hit albums which sell less than 10k copies in a year, I don't know how you can believe that Aguilera's legacy catalog is selling in the millions lately.
I just find it strange that you only account for 16 countries in her debut when it was a global smash and albums with small performances like Blackout have sales accounted for in 43 countries.
if you were fair we wouldn't be here questioning you, countless threads are made showing how you inflate some artists and diminish others.
Stop acting and sounding like a petulant child. Their is no hidden agenda at work here, we do not inflate or diminish acts. If an artist is higher or lower than they should be, it is purely by mistake.
Many of the earlier articles only show figures from a select set of countries but all countries are included in their total estimation. Again, no one has an agenda against Aguilera, if you bothered to check other articles from around 2016 and 2017, such as Led Zeppelin, U2 and The Beatles you would see they also only have a select few countries shown.
In my experience, the main reason people question figures here, is that they do not understand how the figures are actually derived and what they actually represent. On top of this, a lot of the PR chucked out by record companies etc about sales, is often very misleading and ambiguous, making the public think something, that isn't really true.
her data is fake, certifications don't match the data here and a single diamond has only 3M on her Singles page.
so fighters, totally ignore the label that owns all profits from every album sold and we will now trust only one estimation site
What Lurker pointed out, was his complete lack of knowledge or understanding of the figures on here and also the RIAAs figures.
A 5m RIAA album certification, does not mean it has sold 5m physical copies, track streams, downloads etc are also included, for many years now.
When the article was published Stripped was at 12.55m, as of today it is at 13.30m, rising by 750k. Some of that 750k rise has come from US streams of tracks from the album, which have also gone towards it's 5m RIAA certification.
The reality is, actual physical sales of the album in the US, will not have risen by very much at all, since the analysis in 2017. You'd probably find that nearly all of the units that pushed it over the 5m certification mark, were gained from streams and not physical sales and at this moment in time, it has probably not moved that much more than the 4.6m given in 2017.
Hi 🙂
I know you don't think her sales have evolved enough to update her totals but could you just update Liberation's Studio Albums sales?
Liberation must be around 150k
Thank you very much!
I could be wrong but I imagine physical sales would be around 150k-175k as of today, maybe a bit more but not much more.
I really have no idea how Emerzonne thinks it physically sold 300k, that's just crazy talk.
I'm not talking about pure sales, I'm saying that in 2018 he had already sold 300 thousand and I have sources for that.
But that is what Bloody Mary and I were talking about, not the overall units the album has shifted, just how much it has physically sold.
Liberation could be around 375k-400k, with all things included but in the grand scheme of things that is not much, considering quite a few catalogue albums in the US alone, have added more than that in 2022, let alone over 4 to 5 years.
For some perspective;
Fleetwood Macs Rumours shifted around 880k (307k pure} in the US and 150k in the UK in 2022
Arctic Monkeys AM shifted around 450k in the US and 180k in the UK in 2022
The Beatles Abbey Road shifted around 450k in the US in 2022
Metallica shifted around 450k in the US in 2022
AC/DC Back In Black shifted around 530k in the US in 2022
Nirvanas Nevermind shifted around 665k in the US in 2022
Michael Jackson Thriller shifted around 495k in the US in 2022
could you guys at least update her pure sales debut for liberation? (62.000) it's hard to calculate her sales because her label never updates her stuff, but that would help a little more.
This site is not just for her. If they should update every 62k sales, they would have to update virtually every artist
The 62,000 is not even it's first week sales, it is just it's physical 1st week sales in the US.
I don't know its WW sales, without researching it properly, above was just an educated guess at it.
Can I ask you a question? Why are you not asking or wanting The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, AC/DC or say Fleetwood Mac to be updated, especially when they have all added more than Christina has since their last updates, in some cases way, way more.
We do but she's not recent, she's been on the scene for a quarter of a century and besides, people clearly do not stream her music to the extent they still stream these "fossils". I mean LZ haven't been a band or released any new music for over 40 years and are the least popular of all those acts I mentioned on Spotify, yet they still outstream her by over 1B lol
The point I was trying to make was, that you clearly have absolutely no interest in sales per se, which is the whole point of this website, all you are interested in, is seeing acts you like updated. You do not care about the fact that many of these "fossils" have added way more than she has, are considerably more popular than she is and hence, are far more deserving of an update, than an artists that has struggled to chart her singles for around 10 years and hasn't had a truly popular studio album since 2006. "Recent artists" you say, don't make me laugh!
yeah, no one cares about those fossils actually. your website is mostly used as a source for stan twitter drags which mostly rely around artists who were relevant from the 2000s onwards including miss Aguilera. you could update all artists you want even the ones I don't like or care about lol it's not my website, just saying it makes more sense to update those who have a place on stan twitter because those are the people who check your stats the most, but you do you I guess🤷♂️
in fact, Aguilera isn't even one of my favorite artists (couldn't experience her peak because I was too young B2B aside), she just happens to be the one who needs an update the most out of the ones I checked because her stats are incredibly dated. the only albums that are accurate are Burlesque and Bionic with everything else being deflated, Mi reflejo, a multi-million seller is not listed but Aguilera, an album that still has no physical release out yet, is listed, hell the last 2 albums aren't even listed in order of release. Regardless about how you feel about this artist (which you made clear you don't like her based on your recent text), out of all the stan twitter relevant artists, she does Indeed need an update.
I'm pretty sure MJD and the team didn't create this website to be "a source for stan twitter drags".
By the way, AC/DC's 2020 album sold five times more than 2018's Liberation, so if they're a fossil I guess Christina is a non-entity.
I think you are over engaging with most people and just adding fuel to the fire 🤭