Put the Keeps gettin better: A decade of hits sales, by country!! Please!!
All this data just proves that it doesn't really matter how much you sell, talent always wins. And that's why Xtina >>> Britney.
Good for Britney that she had a better team to make her sell more!
Hi please help understand the meaning of comprehensive streaming? Where the numbers came from? Thanks a lot...and may I also ask if you have an updated figures for this? Thanks
Hi Rjhay,
Spotify streams are just that, Spotify streams. This platform has 132 million users against 212 million users combined for all streaming platforms (Apple Music, Google, Tidal, Deezer etc), the comprehensive streams refer to audio streams on all those websites/applications.
Hi you have an updated figures for the stream counts? Cuz christina has a new song america...thanks
Christina could have taken advantage of her peak by releasing many albums in a row, as Britney did. If she had followed Britney's strategy, most likely their numbers would be these:
CA: 14 M
Second album in 2000: 12 M *
Third album in 2001: 10 M *
Stripped (2002): 9.5 M
Fifth album in 2004: 6 M *
Greatest hits album in 2005: 6 M *
Back to basic (2006): 4M
Seventh album in 2008: 2 M *
Christina could have sold almost 70 million pure albums.
As much as I love Christina. Lets face it. Her music is never really that well received by fans as much as Britney does. Therefore I dont think she can consistently sell as much as Britney does. Her music is pretty weird come to think of it. One moment she's a bubblegum teen pop singer, then she moved towards a more R&B type album, then she made a classical type album, then elecctronics, etc. She would never be able to retain her fans as much as Britney does, because she herself doesn't know her true identity as a singer and she doesn't know what type of music she's supposed to sing.
Many would say that Christina career is not really that huge. When you consider it between the likes of Britney, Beyonce, Rihanna, etc. Of course, she has a long way to go to catch up. But selling 100 million albums and singles is nothing to be ashamed of either. Millions of singers would die to be in her shoes.
It's so dumb to think that Xtina changes her sound because she doesn't know who her musical identity... It's called talent, she like to try new things instead of always be safe.
I really believe in Christina Aguilera's voice and vocal skills. I even consider her the best on runs and riffs.
It's sad to see that her total album sales and total singles sales aren't impressive.
Christina is releasing a new album again and while I like the beat of her new single, those kind of songs wont help sell her album well. Christina needs to focus on ballad songs with her just wearing simple dresses. The reason Kelly Clarkson 's "breakaway" album sold a lot is because of her "because of you" which was the most successful single on the said album worldwide.
But Kelly continued to record and release upbeat songs so her albums didnt sell as much as her breakaway album. Same goes with Demi. They should go for ballads because only Rihanna can make hits on uptempo songs unfortunately.
Still, I really love Christina's voice. It's a combination of beautiful and powerful voice. And her voice has matured now and sounds better. I hope her album will sell well.
50.7 million album equivalents is pretty low considering what her stans claim but 100 million records or so is pretty cool so win for everyone. Britney was of course more popular but its never at least Xtina has formidable record sales.
I know I'm mad late to comment on this, but hasn't "Lady Marmalade" sold over 5,000,000??
Hi Nick!
Definitely not with physical sales, The Ketchup Song is the only song that came close to that mark since 2000.
I think Christina's accomplishment is already amazing and I am not trying to discredit her achievement. But why do you keep on comparing US chart runs alone? Look at their worldwide single sales and chart runs. Christina cant compete against Britney unless she's doing collaboration with big artists such as Adam Levine and Pitbull. Britney also makes Christina's album sales looks like amateur. She sold twice as much as her US sales and on an international level she outsold her almost 3 times more. Do you seriously think Xtina is as big as Britney at her peak?
Because in Britney's peak her singles werent being promoted as they generated low sales. Her albums were being purchased instead and that why she is so huge there where as Christina falls very far behind
The author of this has a noticeable bias in favor of Britney & against Christina, as can be seen by the constant mentioning of Britney on a page that is supposed to be about Christina & her sales figures. The constant comparisons between the two is questionable.
Hi Steven!
There is no bias against Christina and many people here can confirm you I'm certainly no fan of Britney. Who someone listens to or not doesn't matter as far as facts are concerned. The Christina vs Britney view is simply logical and relevant. They have been compared since the very beginning, if it wasn't for that comparison, many wouldn't even be remotely as interested in Christina's sales. What's maybe unfair to Christina is that we forgot about the remaining female pop acts from that era that she actually topped with ease. We don't compare her with Mandy Moore, Hillary Duff and Jessica Simpson because they lost so much relevance that very few care as of now. The only two that we remember are Britney and Christina and among them she is second, which make her look like the loser of the story while in all fairness she isn't.
If changes ur musical genre all the time is called talent. Then it is fine. Its not going to sell records though. Even Madonna who is largely recognize as a revolutionary musician who constantly changes her type of music, is still largely considered a pop musician. She literally only went into catchy Teen Pop songs and Dance songs. If you want to have a long career in the music industry. You better have a good sense of direction of what ur music is going to be in the next 10-15 years. Not changing ur mind about what type of singer u want to be all the time. U will lose out loyal fans pretty quickly.
According to Sony Music Taiwan, the album Christina Aguilera (1999) sold over 100k in Taiwan by 2002. Are you sure Baby One More Time only sold 130k there in total since BOMT released really a lot of re-issues there?
Well dhhd Sony Music certifications lists let very little room for doubt there!