Yeah, you're probably right. It probably is a pointless waste of my time, trying to engage, explain or reason with the fuckwits that pollute this place.
You all are free to run the business according to how you want it to be but in my opinion Marco was just politely asking for Christina to be updated. Then you sort of went on a rampage attacking him. You will always have people requesting for updates on their favorite artists whether the artist are relevant or not. So why bother arguing with everybody. I know this site is about charts, but we can't deny a large portion of the people coming to this website and contributing to its success doesn't care about charts and only care about their favorites. So just ignore them, just a suggestion from me.
Or here is a crazy, radical and new idea Jazz, people just actually listen to, understand and accept what is being said to them.
As for your defence of poor wee Marco, I'd already explained to Emerzone and Bloody Mary, why she was not likely to receive an update and backed this up with hard figures, to show that many other artists were more deserving of an update and had added more than her, with one album, in one year, than she has in 5 years. It was then Clockingbell that responded to him not me.
Then apparently (to you at least) I went on a rampage, attacking him!? In reality I explained I didn't exactly know it's WW sales and asked why he is not interested in seeing artists that have added significantly more to their totals then her. If anything, it is Marco that then went off on one, not me.
He then proceeds to stupidly call them "fossils" and states that we should update recent artists. I again (see a pattern here) explain why she is not in line for an update and certainly not ahead of these "fossils" who all have better streaming figures and higher physical sales than her and state my impression, that he is not interested in sales or what this website is trying to do.
I'd suggest maybe you have a chip on your shoulder about me and what I write and say, if you see me in the wrong here and my words as rampaging attacks. At no point was I arguing with anybody in these comments, I was for the most part, explaining with data and facts why she is not the most deserving artist for an update.
"poor wee Marco" such a childish answer, the professionalism has been left at home I guess. no wonder the stats of a lot of artists are all off!
Analord, your answer about AB/CD doesn't change the main point in the slightest.
Your right, it doesn't change the main point, it just reinforces it, that these "fossils" are far more popular than her, stream far more than her, physically sell more than her and are far more deserving of an update than her.
And as for the PWM bit, it's hardly my answer is it, it's me being sarcastic to Jazz, considering he seems to think poor wee you has been so hard done by here lol.
I give up. I think you are part of the crazy fanatics that always have to respond to everybody and part of the society you despise so much.
The problem with this website is that some artists are way too overfavored compared to others in terms of updating. While I agree that some of em need updates more frequently than others cause they may sell more or be more popular at the moment, an artist who hasn't been updated for years like Xtina (and I could quote a lot of others like Carey or Houston...) shouldn't be left aside to update others whose last update dates back to a few months before...
Can somebody tell my why the solo version of Say Something by A Great Big World counts towards Xtina lmao? It's on her Spotify numbers tool page among "features". I think this should be fixed.
Do you guys consider Burlesque to be a flop or a moderate success?
It sold over 1.3 M Pure, and was a rebound (increase) from Bionic’s pure sales. It would determine if she had zero album success after the 2000’s, or if Burlesque counts as at least 1 success.
It is considered flop. 1.3 million was flop by 2010 standard and it's not like it has sold well in other formats. She hasn't been relevant as lead act since 2006.
Why were half a million streaming equivalent units taken away from her total? Did the CSPC formula or calculation change?
Terrible stats ..back to basic was underperformance for 2006 standard and a flop since then.
This info was really helpful, but would it be possible to add a chart for her too, like the others have?