Ashes soon to become Celine's 10th most streamed song on Spotify may sound like a smash but a streaming (currently) figure of 21 million is a small number, really small.
Its still a smash for legacy act like Celine who hasnt been relevant on the charts for almost 20 years. Shows her fan base is either moving onto to streaming for young people are getting into the song.
We'll just have to disagree then but I can say Ashes overall is a successful Celine Dion single. If it wins a lot of awards in the future, it's a smash. But for now, it's not especially in Spotify but I can consider the youtube views of Ashes as a smash.
Nope, its discs are original discs so it is counted as one new package rather than 3 albums packaged together!
I have a question. I noticed that You have a page for some singers where You beautifully ranked their overall best selling singles and for other I did not found those or I am missing it?
I may not agree with some stuff,but I understand all Your explanations for it, but I think Your are doing very hard job and very well, especially when You need to "handle" fanatical fans who have no objectivity for certain stuff whatsoever.
Hi archieduc!
Thanks for the nice words 🙂 as for the top singles EAS page, it was added to the template at some point, so articles which pre-date that update miss it. On most of them though, Anthony posted the list inside the comment section!
I hope Celine Dion releases another Christmas album. a true Christmas album cos well, her These Are Special Times album is more of like a holiday album with pop songs. lol. 🙂
A guy said that 4,5+ mil digital singles have been sold from "These are Special Times"!
I'm mostly excited on the update of the total EAS of Beauty and the Beast song because I think it will have a GREAT increase on total EAS due to the BATB live movie.
Also excited how high will "EnCore Un Soir" rank among the best selling french songs.
So how much does she sold in Asia? Does she outsell Mariah and Madonna outside of Japan.
Hey MJD!
Don't mean to bother, but I was very curious to see a breakdown for "A Decade of Song." Hope you don't mind providing one!
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) is currently Celine's #5 most streamed song on Spotify. Can somebody tell me which part of the world is this song doing well? I also feel the song is just ok. Nothing really special, and there are like more 10 songs on her TAST album that I find better than this song yet this is Celine's most -streamed Xmas song with a large margin.
Anyway, aside from waiting for the update of Celine Dion's Popularity Analysis, also waiting for a global heatmap article for her.
According to Sony Music Taiwan back in 2000 ( from Wayback Magazine), The Colour Of My Love sold 4 million in US and 18 million copies worldwide.I think the label inflation was not that much back in 2000,not like nowadays.
By 05/11/1996, The Colour Of My Love sold 1.5 million in Southeast Asia.
I think it would be better if you try to create your own site/thread for the figure that you believe are accurate. And give us the link.
Hi dhhd,
There is easily enough information to know this is 100% incorrect, onyl goes on we shouldn't blindly accept these figures printed here and there.
I don't know what you are talking about. I think MJD's figures are pretty accurate so I like to stay here and ask for some questions.For example, According to Billboard The Bodyguard sold over 300k copies by 1993 or 1994 and MJD added 200k catalog sales, and the offcial edition shows that it sold 600k copies in total there.It doesn't mean he is innacurate,it just due to that catalog sales is unknown there.
Its kind of annoying when u do it every 30 minutes. U never accept his answers anyway. If u think u r so good and so accurate thatn I agree with RLAAMJR. Create ur own website. Bcoz its getting really annoying.
Lol you can ignore my comment why do you think I bother you?It is ridiculous. Do you watch comments updates every 30 minutes?