
Bob Marley albums a...
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Bob Marley albums and songs sales

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Hi Thomas!

Well spotted! Ten has four songs over 60m. The main version only:
- Even Flow 92,8m
- Alive 101,5m
- Black 73,4m
- Jeremy 63,1m

I always prefered Daughter though 😉

As for Oasis there is a surprise coming 🙂

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You are right about MJ's upcoming records! Bad's 3rd song is already on 97 million now so it is only a matter of days before it joins Thriller. The fourth song from that one is up to 90m now, it has only been a few weeks!

Californication Top 3 is immense, they are on 268/183/149 million! Same for Dre at 233/227/150 but also tracks at 79m and 55m! An absolute classic record.

BIB top two is the title track at 181m and YSMANL at 119m.

btw, you can get all figures for free from Spotify software. I think you need to create an account but it requires you an email address only!

(@Thomas Christiansen)
Viral on Spotify Guest
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Thanks MJD!
Saw your great work on Oasis!
So Morning Glory is 369(!)+118+78 👍
I think I know what you meant by "Main version only" concerning Ten. Your numbers dont included live versions? Or how about remaster/compilations.
A search for Stones Satisfaction will bring like 20 results!!!

I can only find Spotify figures for the top 5 most popular tracks by each artist...🤔

(@Thomas Christiansen)
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With Thriller and Dr Dre we have to consider 5 songs in 100m club at some point!

(@Thomas Christiansen)
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Found the way to see all Spotify figures. Thanks 😀

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Perfect! You will be a great ally to identify interesting artists to study 😉

(@Marvin Van Der Weyde)
Garage singer Guest
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Great article and great website. There is a minor mistake on here though. Trench Town Rock is a different song than Trench Town on the Confrontation album. Otherwise great to see how well his music still does on Spotify.

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so now it seems the ONLY test is whether someone is pro or anti-LGTBDGDTAJDXYZ
intellectual terrorism

Got his first mic Guest
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So i recently was in a discussion about The Beatles and Bob Marley. Basically, I was saying that globally Bob Marley is easily mor recognized and popular than The Beatles, thoughts?

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That might be true tbh, but I don't think it's the case when it comes to their music

Viral on Spotify Guest
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No way. The music of the Beatles is much more famous , more renowned. While Bob is certainly the king of reggae music he never had the same success as the Beatles. Not even close.

Garage singer Guest
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Musically Beatles are surely more famous but as a brand name and popularity among masses Bob Marley is easily more popular than Beatles outside US&UK... surely I can say in the second most populated country India where I belong to

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Can someone explain why I Shot The Sheriff and Get Up Stand Up don't show up when I do a search with the Spotify numbers tool ?

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Not sure exactly but the whole Burnin' album is actually missing, not just those two tracks from it.

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The album and these songs are listed under The Wailers as a distinct artist for some reason

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I thought it could be that but then seen that other albums of theirs are also officially credited to just The Wailers but are listed. I also used the tool to specifically search for "The Wailers" but it just returned what searching for "Bob Marley" and "Bob Marley & The Wailers" also returns.

Hyped artist
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I did some digging and apparently the album was never released under the name "Bob Marley & The Wailers", as opposed to the previous album, Catch A Fire, originally a Wailers album in 1973 but reissued in 1975 with the new name.

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Searching with artist ID solves the issue

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Nice one Al!

This is a very tricky case - if I go to Spotify web player, on Bob Marley & the Wailers page, the album Burnin' is indeed missing, as if Spotify doesn't consider it his album. At first I though the album was removed from available ones, but from Google we can easily reach its page where all tracks can be streamed, and clicking the artist name does bring us to the Bob Marley & the Wailers page!

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Dude, Beatles are WAY more famous and have a more recognisable name in all of a Europe, most of Asia, especially Japan, Oceania, North America.

I don't know about South America, but I believe Bob is pretty famous there.

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This "The Beatles are on top hands down" rengaine doesn't work for everything. They sold more records than anyone else, this is as safe as it can be. Yet, if we ask if they are more known than Bob Marley, the answer is at the very least nowhere near as obvious as it seems.

To make it simple, everyone know both of them in America (the entire continent), Europe, Japan, Oceania. The Beatles win easily in China. Bob Marley wins easily in both India and Africa, although a decent number of people would know the Beatles (at least in former African English-speaking colonies). If we had to count one by one persons in the World who are able to tell they are music performers for each of them, I definitely wouldn't bet much money on who would win!

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Some poll etc many years ago, that was published in the UK press suggested that Marley was the most recognisable musician on a wordwide basis. Not the most popular, just that his image was the most well known and recognised.

These are the current "Fame" ratings from UK Government statistics, Marley comes in 9th, The Beatles 17th. Paul McCartney (11th) actually proves to be more well known than The Beatles!

Garage singer
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It's a poll, how reliable is it? Why should we trust it?

It states Britney Spears and Coldplay are more well known than MJ. Really?


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What is YouGov Ratings?

YouGov Ratings measures the popularity and fame of anything and everything, based on millions of responses from the British public. It is the biggest and boldest attempt ever made to quantify what Britain thinks.

YouGov is doing this by publishing nationally representative popularity scores for thousands of things. YouGov Ratings is built on top of our accurate and precise methodology, which the Pew Research Center says "consistently outperformed" other online polling companies.

Going on the above description of how their polls are collated and compiled, I'd say it's 100% trustworthy and reliable.

But hey, it obviously doesn't suit your agenda or come in line with your thoughts on the subject, which are obviously far more reliable and trustworthy than a poll based on millions of responses, so yeah it must just be an unfounded pile of shite and lies.

Garage singer
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It's just very hard to believe someone like Britney Spears or Coldplay are more well known in the UK than Michael Jackson, and that the BEATLES are 17th in their HOME country. Lady Gaga is long past her peak too, its very strange she is number 1.

I wonder what @MJD has to say this. Do you think Britney Spears is more well known than MJ?

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