El álbum Voulez Vouz aquí tiene 578.000 ventas en streams, pero en Most streamed albums (all-time) aparece con más de 800.000.000 streams en spotify, así que supongo que hay error en uno de los números.
"They haven’t quite stop there"
Should be "stopped" (not stop). Need a proof-reader! ;-0
"even becoming Australian biggest selling album ever at the time" should be "Australia's"
"It hasn’t break records in Germany" should be "It hasn't BROKEN records".
I take it that this is not an native English-speaking site?
"I take it this is not an native English speaking site", should be "...a native..."
Yes, though, English is not the native tongue used, in the majority of articles.
Hi Brian!
If you are willing to do that, you are welcome! 😉
Voyage sold 2.5 million copies as of Nov 2022. According to IFPI, it was the second best selling album in the world for 2021 (Adele's 30 was the year's best seller).
Voyage was the best selling album of 2021 in Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland & Belgium, the third best seller of the year in the UK and 10th best seller of 2021 in Australia
Hey Dan, there are so many artists which haven't been analyzed yet. So, please give fans of those artists the chance to enjoy their favorites as well. This is more important the umpteenth update of other already covered artists. Don't you think?
But your numbers are off. You have no numbers of sales for Eastern Europe. They were Very popular in Eastern Europe, this was Iron Curtain days.