
Ariana Grande album...
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Ariana Grande albums and songs sales

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Garage singer Guest
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Hi, i wonder why the digital sales of thank u, next (single) is only 440K, how does it possible cause the digital sales in the US has already exceeded 400K, so i think u might be worng, and also i think the ratio u give of comprehensive audio streams to spotify audio streams for tun(A) and positions(A) is a bit low since tun and positions does well in other streaming platforms such as apple music.

Garage singer Guest
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can we get an update for ariana? TUN/DW should be close to 10M if they get upate thank u all

Garage singer Guest
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Ariana album sale in China
dangerous woman 265k
sweetener 188k
thank you next 481k
position 213k
please add

Making some noise
Joined: 4 years ago
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this kinda deserves an update. it was last updated when the *1.5 ratio was still used for outside spotify streams, and /11750 for youtube. lord knows how much she has increased

Garage singer Guest
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tun and dw nearly 10M units
me roughly 14M
yours truly 4.1M
sweetener 6.5M
Positiosn 5.5M
if she get update the number will increase to the number i list above she genuinely need an update cause most main-stream artists who debut in digital and streaming era got update except ariana the number is outdated

Garage singer Guest
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and we should list the sales reasults for her christmas ep like christmas kiss cause it has cracked 1.1B on spotify and also doing well in south korea the current CSPC reasult of it might be nearly 2M ig, it's not a small number

Garage singer Guest
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and the digital sale of tun(s) is so weird like i remember in 2019 the US digital sale of tun has already sold 480k in US alone why the global reasult is only 440K, i think the global sales for tun(s) is the same as 7 rings hope you can take note of my comments thank u

Garage singer Guest
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Is there a glitch i think u might have counted the original version of die for you to ariana

Garage singer Guest
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ariana's number has been stuck

Making some noise Guest
Joined: 6 years ago
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She really slowed down in recent years.
Earned around 6 million EAs since september 2021. The absense from music really cooled her stardom.

Do you think she will come stronger?
How much is she gonna reach in her next album?

(@Kim Petras)
Making some noise Guest
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Position is her last Album ini career, right? I think she won't create another album again.

Viral on Spotify
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She definitely will and I think her next era will be her biggest era yet. Something more mature and less teen bops.

Signing a deal Guest
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Decent numbers but for a main pop girl, I feel they are quite underwhelming overall. Like billie don't have many hits, but she is album artist and have better consumption at such age. I feel ariana can do better.. Position was a let down from thank you next peak. Ariana must have one of lowest peaks for main pop girl.

Garage singer
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 19

She really needs a quick update to fix her streaming numbers, no way my everything and dangerous woman are outdoing tun when its outstreaming on spotify and it's songs are higher on apple music

(@Kim Petras)
Making some noise Guest
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Keep dreaming, even Queen Taylor didn't got Update after she release her new Album before!!!

(@Kim Petras)
Making some noise Guest
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Her new single are flop, ofc her new era could got beaten by Queen Taylor in her new Album soon!

Hyped artist Guest
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ArianaGrande's Billboard 200 entries, ranked by weeks in top 10:

1. 19, Thank U Next
2. 18, Positions
3. 8, Dangerous Woman
4. 6, Sweetener
4. 6, My Everything
6. 2, Yours Truly

Total: 59 weeks top 10

Signing a deal Guest
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Not much impressive considering streaming era helps album to chart more weeks in top ten compared to sales era.

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While true, one has to consider that Yours Truly, My Everything, and Dangerous Woman were released between 2013-2016, in which streaming was still relatively weak and didn't allow huge streaming albums to stay in the top 10 like it is now.
Then, when streaming started to pick up with Sweetener, she abandoned that project a couple of months after its release for Thank U, Next, which limited its weeks in the Top 10.
Thank U, Next was a monster tho, but again was limited with Ariana abandoning to promote the project with more singles after the 3rd one. Then, when Positions was released in 2020, when streaming was in full force, we can see that despite its relatively poor-performing singles (compared to her past singles), the album managed similar weeks in the Top 10 as Thank U, Next, an album that was much bigger (especially upon initial release).
I am somewhat interested in how Eternal Sunshine will perform though. Yes, And? debut with spectacular numbers but failed to sustain its hype. I expect the album would also perform similarly with good first week numbers (I'm expecting 185K-200K first week in the US), but how it performs in the mid/long-run is undetermined, although it might be helped with the rave reviews it's currently receiving.

Signing a deal Guest
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Sorry I am not reading excuses all the
time. In streaming era, album don't need countless promotion after the album gets released as post era single concept is dead now. Dua lipa is exception as she isn't mainstream in usa.. If public likes, album continues to chart for long. No-one is going on tv after albums release like in past. Promotion tens of songs. Thank you next was highly promoted. Accept sometimes. Public didn't like the music as much. As simple as that. Sorry if you are going to claim someone as main pop girl and streaming queen, better back it up. With eternal sunshine, she got two music videos. Countless variants. If it smashes, good. If it doesn't, don't blame the promo next time.

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So eternal sunset debuts with 58 million. Considering how Ariana fans were screaming that Spotify has tripled it's users since 2019 and how others has it easy, i expected now less than 200 million debut. The humblepie is well deserved. That being said. Album is decent. So it can put good numbers in long run. And this time it is highly promoted. So don't make the excuses

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When did I ever claim that Ariana was a 'main pop girl' and 'streaming queen' though in my post? Perhaps you are barking up the wrong tree, as all I did was provide context on why those albums didn't stay in the top 10 for long. You mentioned that Ariana's stay in the Top 10 for her albums aren't impressive considering the streaming era grants successful albums long residencies in the Top 10, and I agree with that, look at my description of Position's performance.

But it's also true that her first 3 albums weren't even released during the streaming era, or at least, they were released in its infancy. If you look at albums that stayed the longest in the Top 10 from 2013-2016, you'll find most of them had proportionally more success in the pure sales department (at least during their promotional run).

While Ariana is no doubt consistently successful and her albums perform decently in the long run, I always felt she lacked a blockbuster era. My Everything is probably the closest she has to a blockbuster with multiple hit singles and solid digital downloads. However, relatively low pure album sales and the fact that some of its singles failed to last the test of time hurt its long-run performance.

Then, Thank U Next had all the ingredients for a streaming blockbuster. It had an explosive start with the first 2 singles smashing, the album debuting with her biggest first-week numbers, and all album cuts doing exceptional numbers, but then its mid/long-run performance was good but not amazing. I still hold the belief that had 2 more singles been pushed (i.e. music video and radio push), it would have had better sustainability. I feel that the Thank U Next album era was somewhat under-utilized, even if you disagree with me (which is fine)

Signing a deal Guest
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No u r making excuses of no promo when other artists also don't do promos like earlier times. And even before streaming era started such insane longevity, hit album used to more than 20 weeks in top ten and it's not like her albums are charting like born to die in long run. I am not bashing you or anything but pointing out that the excuses don't work when other artists are not doing old school promo unless u r dua lipa.

U r making like she left the project and stopped caring when other artists are also doing the same. She isn't exception. As streaming era doesn't need countless singles and music videos. As if the content is liked by public, it will chart and smash. Thank you next initial promo was enough to give blockbuster start and hype. Music didn't stand the test of time. Simple as that.

And streaming infancy has nothing to do with her albums doing less week. They weren't simply blockbusters and promo excuse don't work. She was never that big of blockbuster artist

Ifs n what's don't count. Thanku next already have the typical streaming era success. You don't need teenage dream level of singles in this day and age if your music is.liked by public. Album is king now.

Someone who is called streaming queen. Excuses should be laid off and no I m not saying u said it. It is very famous statement

Garage singer Guest
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hi? what about now?

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What about it? It is doing decent for her standards. Not like it is some midnight level blockbuster🤣
And still humblepie bcoz u guys used to call her queen of Spotify. And how Spotify users tripled after 2019 to downplay Taylor. So I expected 200 million debut from ur queen

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