
Ariana Grande album...
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Ariana Grande albums and songs sales

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(@Iván López)
Got his first mic Guest
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Why do u want a HUGE peak era if u ACTUALLY can have a successful CONSISTENT career. Look at Gaga & Katy Perry getting worse and mediocre eras since their debut…

Got his first mic Guest
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Hi, I wonder why exactly some of her album sales have decreased from the 2019 update? My everything stood at 12.2M and now after the update it's at 11.9m. Please explain.

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Hi person!

No album decreased, ME was at 10.9 million in 2019. The automatic process was putting it at 12.2 million by extrapolating increases on remaining streaming platforms based on Spotify, but they can evolve differently. In Ariana's case, her last numbers used Xiami rather than QQ, where it appears numbers are a bit lower than expected for her in China.

Also, our updates are always done in full, meaning we review all sales figures. We fixed a typo that had German singles downloads duplicated for example. Most 'fixes' done led to increases actually, like with Japanese downloads and also downloads of many orphan songs. Obviously, fans tend to see only the fixes in the down side 😉

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Hi LiohaK!

Thanks for noticing, this is fixed.

We also added the dynamic KPIs bloc as we do on CSPC lights!

Garage singer Guest
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Positions is still quite recent though it hasn't had the time to amass big figures

i find the Rihanna and Taylor (and especially Taylor on twitter) comparisons ridiculous honestly, they're just a bigger selling force than Ariana. but when it comes to you citing that she has no big peak era like gaga or katy and that's a bad look for her, that's bullshit in my opinion. My Everything and soon Thank U, Next are big albums, yes not as Big as TFM or Teenage Dream but they're still quite massive.

on the other hand, she enjoys way better consistency than both Gaga and Katy, she's only a few million units from overtaking Perry and it wouldn't be far fetched to say that she can easily overtake Gaga in the future as well.

Big peaks don't mean everything... The Beatles and Madonna are some of the best selling acts ever yet they don't have a single album in the Top20 of the best selling albums of all time.

(@Michael Sendroro Zebua)
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Thanks For the Update❤️❤️❤️

Making some noise Guest
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Yes, very weak peak compare with other main pop girls

Signing a deal Guest
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Atleast she has consistency like Taylor although on a slightly smaller scale

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Wait, I thought My Everything was at 12.3m CSPC units? Why did it decrease to 11.9m?

Got his first mic Guest
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Do you guys take different artists' Apple Music performances into consideration when calculating the streaming equivalent sales?

Garage singer Guest
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Madonna and beatles have multiple best selling albums of year . Ariana never had even with sps!

So no comparison. The way ariana fan try to put her in that league. Lmao.
Ariana released like 6 albums in 8 years and multiple features. Katy, gaga has multiple albums above grande's best seller and consistent?

Even their flops are on par with consistent sellers of ariana! When ariana average is so low. Ofc that will be consistent. She has just one ten million seller. In 2019 with her global peak TUN, she got outsold by newcomer billie, post and even BTS.

Positions is flop. Well if her consistent sellers are on par with flops of others, she has low peak and very low threshold to begin with! And there is no sure thing she will continue selling well in her 30s to outsell Gaga or reach 100 million. Even after decade, she hasn't touched 50 million!

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Hi edward!

A formula is detailed in the article, using Spotify, YouTube, QQ, Genie and AWA to value comprehensive audio and video streams in the World, over all platforms.

Making some noise Guest
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I think I can understand Martin's gripes with pop female stans better now. Must you compare all the time? Just enjoy the nice figures man.

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wasn't Problem at 7.7 million in the 2019 update? why the sudden jump

Got his first mic Guest
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hi, i also wondered how ntltc got outsold by songs like one last time or into you. wasn't it a far bigger hit?

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Hi person!

You need to take market changes into consideration here. OLT and Into You were released a few years earlier when the download market was bigger. And it's been going down every year since too explaining why 7 Rings and TUN are even lower.

Got his first mic Guest
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Hi! thank you for the answer, but i wonder know that the market has changed shouldn't the method as well? so it represents it in popularity so maybe streams can weigh heavier than downloads than they used to

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Your average song now get a way bigger share of units from streams organically. No need to weigh it differently.

Got his first mic Guest
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But then songs like one last time have higher sales than ntltc because it got more downloads but ntltc has already outdone it on youtube, spotify etc so that's what i mean with that the method might not actually show which song was bigger

(@Stephon Coleman)
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She's a proper singer for the teens/young 20's. Can't really get into her music tho.

Got his first mic Guest
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To answer your question, its because streaming is much less profitable, which makes it appear as though an artist is "selling less" even though they could be more popular than ever. 150 streams is equal to 1 song sale. So for example, Ariana could release a new song, 50 people could listen to it 3 times each, and it would only count as 1 song sale for her. In the past, those 50 fans would have to buy the song and would've provided her with 50 sales. Even though Ariana is more popular than ever and has more fans, her sales will naturally appear lower since streaming is not as profitable.

Got his first mic Guest
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Hi, this is so outdated. Why is thank u next still not updated, even her past albums. It's already 2022 and those numbers still stuck at where you updated them last like my everything, dangerous woman and thank u next. Why their number arent increasing the fact years already had passed.

Signing a deal Customer
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maybe she's just not selling as much as you think she is

Making some noise
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Her numbers were last updated at the end of September of last year. Only 4 months have passed since. That's fairly recent still.
MJD usually only updates the biggest acts once every year, so Ariana's numbers most likely won't be updated until later this year.

Besides, Ariana's streaming numbers are already up-to-date, since those get updated automatically. And she was never the strongest pure sales seller, so it is doubtful she sold so many copies in the past 4 months that it would require a manual update, especially with no new album out.

Got his first mic Guest
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Hi yeah why is Thank u next not on hear?

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