
Adele albums and so...
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Adele albums and songs sales

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Global sensation Guest
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Yes, of that I am aware but wrongly imo, GNR Lies does seem to be thought of as their 2nd studio release. Also, there is the slight issue of the Illusion albums, they're not really their 2nd and 3rd or 3rd and 4th releases, depending on how you see GNR Lies, both are either their 2nd or 3rd release, given they were released at the same time.

Garage singer
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Hello, you need to update the sales of adele digital albums in China, 25 sold a total of 232963 digital albums in China, link source:, the official website of statistics has corrected the error. Hope you can change it, thanks!

Garage singer
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 9

Hello, you need to update the sales of adele digital albums in China, 25 sold a total of 232963 digital albums in China, link source: , the official website of statistics has corrected the error. Hope you can change it, thanks!

Member Moderator
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Hi Aruo!

Chinese sales for it are included already, look at the compilation section.

Garage singer
Joined: 3 years ago
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Hi, thanks for your reply. But according to, the Chinese digital album of the album "25" sold 232,963 copies, while the data provided by chartmaster was only 91,000 copies.

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Hi Sheerio19!

The gap is due to overshipment rather than bundles. Bundles aren't excluded in full, they are excluded only when the side product isn't available to purchase by itself (alone) for a cheaper price. In 30 case, the only case are the t-shirts bundles as I'm not sure this was sold alone. But its sales were mostly irrelevant.

The cassette + t-shirt bundle has 4 owners on discogs, against 162 owners for the cassette without the bundle. Now consider that the ones who got the most expensive product, the most fan-targeted one, are the ones collecting the most on Discogs, it suggests sales of this bundle are below 2% of the sales of the cassette, which is already a low number.

Then there was a CD + t-shirt bundle. That one has 13 owners, it compares with 3,020 owners for the remaining CD editions, so again a tiny amount (0.4%), especially when we consider how many units 30 sold with downloads and LPs.

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Hi Aruo!

Brazil has completely got rid of pure sales in recent years. Here are physical revenue per country in 2019 (the last breakdown we got):
MX 10.4m
CL 3.4m
AR 3.2m
BR 2.0m
UY 400k
CO 300k
PE 100k
CA 100k

As you can see, Chile is now 2nd in the region, Brazil 4th. Also, the top 4 countries represent more than 95% of the total, hence 19k in Brazil + Mexico + Argentina + Chile is indeed not more than 20k in Latin America.

Also keep in mind that certifications are based on shipments, and considering 30 overshipped in many countries, it's not 100% safe that it really sold 3.5k+ to date there.

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Hi Kanye!

That's a good question. In this case, it was kinda easy to decide, as singles from 25 did go to streaming platforms upon release back then, it's the full album that was delayed / sold in China at first. These *50 numbers are in line with our former numbers from Xiami which were very strong for 25. It would be another story if we study a single like Shake It Off for example, as that one was available for sale only for very low. It's a case by case situation really, I do not rule out using intermediate factors for some songs when it makes sense.

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Hi Martin!

Shine my light of foreigner, does the "history-making" wording suggests nobody did it before? I though it was valid for anything that had an historical impact, not necessarily something unique / never done before!

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Hi Aruo!

Chinese sales pre-regulation are weighted according to their price. CSPC units = Chinese sales * price in yuan / 50 for releases before September 2021.

Member Moderator
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Hi Guillaume,

Yes, it does infer that her average is the greatest of all time. History making, IMO refers to someone doing something for the first time, achieving the highest total ever, most points ever, fastest ever etc.

Member Moderator
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Aruo is right! I thought they referred to 30 earlier. But 25 is indeed at 232k copies on Saoju while 91k in this article, equalling 41k CSPC.

It seems like its QQ sales weren't included on the site until recently, explaining the big jump.

Garage singer Guest
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As far as I'm concerned it's something that made an impact. It isn't necessarily something that hasn't been achieved before.

Global sensation Guest
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Yes, it's obviously something that made an impact but it almost always, implicitly infers, to being the first or the greatest etc.

Say in football, Celtic made a history making, seasons points total of 110, in 2005 and a few years later in 2020, Rangers managed to get 109pts. Now the Rangers tally is the 2nd highest seasons points total ever, but IMO its not history making, only the Celtic one is.

Hyped artist
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Of course, to be historical something has to be unique or exceptional, that's why it's remembered... I think MJD has a taste for hyperbole, I remember him saying MJ is "like a God in France" or something 😆

Got his first mic Guest
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That’s not hyperbole if you look at his numbers

Hyped artist Guest
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You clearly have no idea what hyperbole means... By the way, MJ sold twice more albums in the UK than in France.

Got his first mic Guest
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And you clearly have no idea what the global heat map method means. Aren’t you on this site a lot? You should understand these things instead of making up stuff to fit your agendas

Hyped artist
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Why on earth are you talking about the "global heat map method" ? 😆 And what am I "making up" exactly ?

Got his first mic Guest
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Do you understand that certain artists are more relevant in some music markets than others? Did you know there are regions that have music markets which vary in value so if an artist has more total sells in a more valuable music market than a less valuable one that doesn’t mean the artist is bigger there? You don’t know much do you?

Hyped artist
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 312

I see, so MJ is bigger in France than in the UK even though he sold twice more albums in the UK... Cool.

Just to be sure, you don't actually believe French people are worshipping him, right ? That's what hyperbole means, "an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally".

Got his first mic Guest
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Actually yea, unfortunately people worship celebrities all the time now. I don’t know if you’ve been extremely sheltered in life but there are statues and murals of these artists all over the planet and millions of people defending their name from anyone who blaspheme them. Also before digital and streaming, the value of a music market relied totally on physical sales in which the UK had much more physical shipments than a country like France. Maybe you just never understood the concept of ratios and proportions and that’s okay

Making some noise
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Posts: 21

I think you are being too generous in your assessment of 30, the album was a complete flop compared to expectations and investments. There were projections on monuments all over the world and multiple primetime TV specials around the world. The audience that bought 21 and 25 in droves did not return for this album, and the streaming was underwhelming showing they did not transition to that format. In fact 21 is already outstreaming 30 proving that it came and went. It will struggle to the 7-8M range when it should've been an easy 10m+ seller.

Garage singer
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Plus the streams seems to keep collapsing each week, the album still hasn't fully stabilized, a really bad sign

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Hi Togetic!

I suppose it goes with the years, some years ago I would have call it a huge flop. From an industry point of view, it is. It was overshipped, and they most likely lost a lot of money with it. By now I prefer looking at it from a public perspective, and I know that convincing millions of people to put money into your project is no easy feat.

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